Everyone matters and every dream counts.

This precept, together with the traditional values of KINDNESS, HONESTY, RESPECT and ENDEAVOUR are at the heart of everything we do.

What we offer is exceptional.  What we demand is equally so.  We expect: diligence, determination, energy, creativity, focus and relentless drive.  At Ryburn, staff and students expect to be challenged, to be extended, to compete and to understand that success comes from a commitment to our motto: ‘Excellere Contende’ – STRIVE TO EXCEL.

    Ultimately our core purpose is to inspire young people with a love of learning, a zest for life and a genuine confidence to excel in a colourful world.

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    Opportunity for all

    We recognise and support the diverse needs of everyone to create a fully inclusive school which provides equality and a huge range of opportunity for all. Our students and staff feel part of a vibrant, happy, caring and safe environment built on mutual respect and clear expectations.

    We value competition

    At Ryburn we value competition, fostering courage, teamwork and open-mindedness. We've seen that competitive edge push our students to work together, solve problems and be the best they can be. From art to sport, business to building a flight sim, our students rise to the challenge. We are Ryburn!



    british values

    We believe the British values are all our values. We aim to be a school where all members of our community humanise each other, nurturing learners to become responsible, tolerant and principled global citizens. These values are fostered through our curriculum, explored in the arts, promoted by student leaders and embedded in our culture.