Our canteen offers a range of tasty hot and cold food at breakfast, break times and lunch.


Our canteen is run by CH&CO Education, who have many years experience serving schools and workplaces.



Students, including Sixth Formers, are entitled to free school meals if their parents are in receipt of certain benefits. 

If your child is eligible (even if they choose not to have school dinners), its really important to register for them. Our school can receive significant extra Pupil Premium funding for each registered pupil. This supports your child's learning in so many ways, such as funding their school trips and revision guides, and extra provision to raise attainment. 


No more hunting around for loose change in the morning, or spending your dinner money on the way to school. We run a cashless system, where funds are added either online by a parent/carer (or automatically in the case of free school meals).

Parents can choose to set a daily spending limit and can log onto ParentPay and see what their child has purchased.

What’s for lunch?

Our menu is updated each term and options rotate on a weekly basis.

The canteen is also open from 8:00am serving breakfast, and at break times for a selection of sandwiches and snacks.