Wellbeing is the foundation of school life. We promote positive mental health for everyone at Ryburn. Feeling supported, safe and happy allows us to learn and thrive. Be kind to your mind!

“Mental health is a state of well-being in which every individual realises his or her own potential, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a contribution to her or his community.” - (World Health Organisation)

Everyone has mental health - and we need to look after it just as much as we need to look after our physical health.

In an average UK classroom, three students will be suffering from a diagnosable mental health issue. We work closely with a range of local agencies and organisations to make sure that our students get the help they need.

Students are at school for the majority of their day, which can have a huge influence on their mental health. The positive and inclusive environment created in school can significantly reduce the number individuals needing specialist input from external agencies, but we also value the input these services provide to help ensure everyone has access to the right support at the right time.  

Take a look at the resources listed at the bottom of this page which provide specialised help and advice for parents, carers and students. These resources are designed to provide information on various mental health problems, to help you understand them and remember you’re not alone. There are also lots of strategies and tips on how to improve your mental health from home.

Key policies:

How do we support wellbeing?

We aim to:

  • Promote positive mental health in all staff and students

  • Increase understanding and awareness of common mental health issues

  • Alert staff to early warning signs of mental ill health

  • Provide support to staff working with young people with mental health issues

  • Provide support to students suffering mental ill health, to their peers and to their parents/carers

Building resilience and relationships at Year 7 Camp

Building resilience and relationships at Year 7 Camp



Whilst all staff have a responsibility to promote emotional health and wellbeing, the following staff have a specific remit for wellbeing.

Need someone to talk to? We’re here for you.

Report a safeguarding concern

If you, or someone you know, is experiencing an issue or there has been an incident, you can report your concerns through our safeguarding which goes to a member of our team. Please fill out the form with as much information as possible so that we can appropriately action the concern. Although we will be checking this inbox frequently, this inbox is not manned at all times. If your concern is urgent, please contact Reception during school hours on 01422 832070.

teaching WEllbeing

iGen lesson materials.

iGen lesson materials.

We explicitly teach all students the skills, knowledge, language and understanding needed to keep themselves physically and mentally safe. These are delivered through our innovative iGen, iD and iDays curriculum, in form time, assemblies and drop down days.

We were an early adopter of the new Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) and Health curriculum. We follow the PSHE Association guidance and train our staff to ensure we teach these issues in a sensitive manner which helps rather than harms.

The safe spaces we create for these conversations allow students to explore tricky themes, to develop empathy and understanding, and give them the confidence to seek help if needed, for themselves or others.


Student peer support

Y8 Student council performance on body image for a local primary school.

Y8 Student council performance on body image for a local primary school.

When a student is suffering from mental health issues, it can be a difficult time for their friends. Friends often want to support but do not know how. Sometimes it is possible that friends may learn unhealthy coping mechanisms from each other. Where helpful, on a case by case basis, we provide careful additional support to friends to help them both support their friend, and to protect and support them.

Student leaders make a significant contribution to wellbeing at Ryburn. Our student council groups choose their own areas of focus, and frequently choose wellbeing related topics for campaigns. They do various activities to support student wellbeing including research, assemblies, poster campaigns, fundraising and magazine articles. They also represent student views on how the school can improve wellbeing. Working with CAMHS, we train and support Ryburn Sixth students to act as support members for KS3 students.


Leading research and development


Online Safety newsletter

Further sources of support and information for students and families


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