First Day!

It’s almost time for our new students to start at Ryburn and we’re so excited to meet you!

For Year 7, Monday is a Transition Day, helping students to settle in. Here’s some more information to help make sure students feel ready and raring to go on Monday morning.


Students should arrive no later than 8:55am. No parents or cars will be allowed onto the school site unless of course they require access to the disabled parking bays. This will be closely monitored by members of staff. Students will be required to wear an appropriate face covering (no bandanas or scarf types face coverings please).

The year group will be guided towards to School Astroturf where they will line up in form groups.  Form tutors will then escort each form group to their designated teaching classroom.

Please ensure your child is arriving at school next week, smart and ready to learn. I would encourage you to use the link provided to double check that your child's uniform meets our standards and expectations

School buses

  • If your child catches a school bus they must have a specific priority pass which is related to the particular bus they use.

  • Pupils should now have received their pass for September. If this is not the case please contact West Yorkshire Metro on 0113 3481122.

  • The school bus services are as follows: C14, S1, S2 (duplicate service), S4, S5, S6,

S7 and S10 (S7 and S10 will take the exact same route). Bus routes can be found at

  • If pupils use the C14 they will not need a priority pass.

  • Please remember that if students use a public/school service bus a face mask is compulsory.

  • If students need to pay cash for their bus service a bus fare of £3.00 should suffice. In the event that a student does not have the adequate bus fare, they should not worry, there will be staff members on duty to help.

What will I need to bring?

  • Please wear full Ryburn school uniform

  • Pen, pencil, rubber and ruler

  • Transition Day booklet

  • Face mask

  • Bus fare (if required)

  • Bus pass (if required)

  • A snack and a drink for break time

  • A packed lunch


All students must stay on site at lunchtime. Students will not be able to use the canteen to purchase food on transition day and so therefore they must bring a packed lunch with them. Packed lunches will be provided for those who are eligible for free school meals. If you are unsure whether this applies to your child please do not hesitate to get in touch with myself at

End of the day

If you are collecting your child, please DO NOT enter the school site unless you need access to the disabled parking bays. Students’ dismissal on transition day will be staggered between 3:00pm and 3:15pm.