Year 7 Maths Geometricity Project
On 12 April, our sports hall was taken over by a colourful paper city, the result of the Geometricity project. This saw every Year 7 student building one square of a city using geometric concepts such as nets to create buildings and structures, designing parts of a city with shapes, lines, angles, 2D and 3D shapes. Using many skills together, students were able to bring geometry to life. Each square then joined together in forms to create mini cities including all the usual buildings you would find such as a Hospital or a Stadium. The students’ interests and personalities were expressed as some decided to include their favourite locations or shops such as a Starbucks, a KFC and even a Zoo.
““It was fun to learn how to make nets and it was great not to have to worry about getting things wrong.””
This is a great example of the innovative project based curriculum for Key Stage 3, which our Maths department developed in house. Their objective is to make Maths fun and engaging for all students, and to help those who think they are 'no good at Maths’ to see the subject and their ability in a new light.
““It was a good effort from everyone. It really looks like people took a lot of time, and they all came together to create something amazing.””