Newsletter #2: Keep going!


Welcome to our fortnightly newsletter for parents and carers during the school closure. This is a copy of the email version sent out today.

Following the Prime Minister's address at the weekend, we were hoping to have more information to share with you about when and how school may reopen. However, as you'll have seen, there are still many more questions than answers. We will remain closed for several more weeks at least. Following that, we expect to open incrementally, beginning with Year 10 and Year 12. As yet, dates and details are not known as this depends on many factors.

Please click below to download a letter from the Local Authority which outlines the Government’s recent guidance and asks parents to be patient whilst plans are being considered. The link to the Government’s FAQ for parents and carers is here.

We know the uncertainty is hard, and you will have many questions and fears about the safety of returning to school, which we share. So far we don’t have any more information than what has been made public, so there's little point in sending us lots of questions. As soon as we do have more information we will let you know. Rest assured, we are already putting lots of thought and planning into the various 'what if' scenarios around reopening, and the health and safety of our students, staff and community are at the heart of our decisions.

In the meantime, we’re well into the ‘new normal’ on Week 6 of our school closure, and we are so proud of our students and school community for adapting and keeping going through the challenges that face us today.

We’re sending this newsletter out to help make sure you don’t miss anything important. Can’t see the pictures? They’re blocked by some email providers. Try clicking ‘show blocked content’ or add us to your ‘safe senders list’ if you can, but don’t worry if not!  If you have any feedback or suggestions for this newsletter, please feel free to email

You can also keep an eye on our social media channels where we’re sharing all sorts, from funny videos to ideas for things to do.


Free School Meals

We have now moved our provision of vouchers from our own supply to the nationally organised system.

If you have been receiving vouchers, you do not need to do anything different. You will continue to receive them to the same email address, but the emails will now come from ‘Edenred’ not from school.

The vouchers are sent every 2 weeks and are worth £30 per child. They can be used in a variety of supermarkets. They need to be activated within one month of receiving them, once this is done they are valid for a long time. If you have more than one child at Ryburn you will only get one voucher at a time but the amount will be adjusted for the number of children you have. Further information on the scheme can be found on the Edenred Website.

If you have any problems with the new scheme please contact the school email or you can contact Edenred direct.


Home Learning

We've updated the work schedule on the 'Home Learning Page', with tasks for all subjects now set up until half term (22 May). We're currently on Week 6 of the schedule. There's some great work being sent through - see the stellar examples at the end of this newsletter. Remember, do your best but be realistic about what you can do. We understand everyone is in a different situation and it is difficult. A routine of doing a little every day will help, we suggest 2-3 hours of school work.

This is also a great opportunity for students to pursue their own interests and hobbies at a deeper level. There’s potential for huge learning opportunities in this; think about how to really challenge yourself and go further. For students who might be struggling with motivation, this might be a good route to explore. Could computer games fans have a go at coding their own game, or dig into the history of gaming? Could movie fans explore and research a new genre? We’d love to hear what you’re doing.

Sew your own face mask

Our Textiles teacher, Mrs Keeler has made this brilliant sew-a-long video lesson showing you how to make your own face mask. It’s suitable for anyone who can sew a basic straight stitch on a sewing machine, and goes step by step through the whole process, so if you follow along carefully you’ll be able to create a comfortable mask for yourself.

Mrs Keeler would love to see your creations and share them on the @RVHS_textiles instagram account so make sure you tag your pictures or send them to her.



Ryburn Help From Home

Did you catch all the teachers doing silly things on video thanks to the fundraising efforts in the Ryburn Help From Home Fundraiser? We had TikTok challenges with Mr Butterfield’s Savage and Miss Smith’s Carole Baskin, we had loo roll keepy uppy with Mrs O’Leary, and Mrs Robinson’s Handstand challengeMr Duffy suffered the dreaded ice bucketMs Bozzo drank a revolting smoothie and Mr & Mrs Clarke had extreme makeovers. And Mr Lord joined in with a golf spin challenge. What good sports they all are.

All of this came from the idea of our student Will Turner, and in aid of two very important causes, NHS Charities and Trussell Trust foodbanks. A huge thank you to everyone who joined in.

We hope you enjoyed it. The fundraising page will stay open for a couple of weeks in case you still would like to donate. 



VE Day

We’re sure you’ll have noticed that Friday was the 75th anniversary of VE Day. The usual parades and celebrations couldn’t happen of course, but the Ryburn community and our History Department found plenty of ways to celebrate, from afternoon tea to homemade bunting. And we had a message from a Spitfire-flying former student. The keyworkers’ children in school also made a fantastic display. Here’s a few highlights.


Ryburn Sixth

Ryburn Sixth students have also been keeping busy at home. There’s been lots of studying, but also dry stone walling, cooking, running, photography, acting and lots and lots of TikTok. We loved this video compilation.

Students are invited to join the quiz at 3pm each Friday with Mr Fantom on Google Classrooms. Well done to Alex Watson, last week’s winner. 

There’s a Talent Show being launched today, with a very special guest performance by our inimitable Mrs Logan. Head over to the Ryburn Sixth Facebook page to find out how to enter.

Please make sure students are checking their school emails for the weekly Ryburn Sixth update from Mrs Brenchley, and for messages from their teachers.


Year 6 - September starters

Some of you may have brothers, sisters or family friends in Year 6 who are due to start with us in September. We usually have a big programme of activities and visits to help students make that transition to ‘big school’. Clearly, much of this won’t be able to happen in quite the same way this year, however, we have plenty planned for our transition programme all the same to help make it as smooth and positive as possible.

We’ll be emailing all of our Year 6 families soon to let you know what our transition programme will include. We’ll be sharing lots of information from virtual tours to student Q&As, and all of this will be shared on our website, social media and via emails. Mrs Holmes from our SEND Department is also getting in touch personally with all the families of children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities to offer additional support and guidance.

Here’s a message to Year 6 from your future Head of Year, Mrs O’Leary:

Hi Year 6 

I hope you and your families are all well. Recently I’ve been gathering all the information about you all from your current teachers and reading all about you is making my personal lockdown experience really positive. It’s great to get to know snippets about you, what you enjoy and what you’re excelling in and I’m so excited to meet the faces to those names. 

By now I’d have visited some of you in your primary schools and hopefully I’ll still get to do that. BUT if not, please don’t worry. You’ll get all of the important information you need over the next couple of weeks just in case we don’t get to meet before September. I know possibly some of you may be worried about getting around school and locating your classrooms. Our student council here at Ryburn is a big part of what we do. 

Our Year 8 student council members will be our “transition leaders” and will be on hand when you start here, for at least two weeks, to take you from lesson to lesson and make sure you’re comfortable. So if one of your main worries is about getting lost, don’t worry, we have that covered! 

I do hope you get back to your primary schools to finish off your primary school journeys alongside your friends and Year 6 teachers. 

I look forward to seeing you all soon! Stay safe.

Mrs O’Leary



It’s normal to have ups and downs at the moment, patience may be wearing thin, and our resilience is being tested. Many of us may be finding it hard to cope. You might find some of the advice on our Wellbeing page helpful, or the links to sources of support. Please don’t be embarrassed to contact your child’s Head of Year if you or your child needs any pastoral support now or in the future.


Healthy Futures Calderdale has introduced a new way for school-aged children and young people and families to access advice and support about any physical health or emotional wellbeing concerns.

ChatHealth is an NHS-approved secure and confidential text messaging service.

To access ChatHealth, TEXT 07480 635297 (young people) or 07507 332157 (parents/carers) to start a conversation.  

From 9.00am to 5.00pm Monday to Friday, we have experienced clinicians waiting to help.  Messages outside this time frame will receive an automated response letting you know when you will receive a reply, and who to contact to get immediate help.

Texts will cost the same as a standard text or will come out of your contract message allowance.

Healthy Futures Calderdale specialist teams can support families with things like: sleep, bullying, healthy eating, allergies, continence, safeguarding, sexual health, behavioural problems, emotional wellbeing, relationships, drugs and alcohol, bereavement, puberty and growing up, complex health needs, and body worries, and can signpost or refer on to other services as appropriate.

Our clinicians can also be contacted by calling 0303 330 9974.


Home Learning Stars

We’ve received so many great pieces of work that our students have been working on at home. Keep up the great work!

Shout out to James in 7.5 for a 32 day streak on the Languages app Duolingo, what great dedication! Can anyone beat that?

Each week, the Art and Photography Department is making a slideshow highlighting some of the beautiful being created at home. View the latest here

Some highlights from Mrs Rodgers Geography classes / Luca Turkaly’s weaving / James and George Crossley’s dry stone wall / Art highlights


We hope you found this newsletter useful. Look out for another update in a couple of weeks. In the meantime, keep an eye on our social media channels to keep in touch.