Spring has sprung.
We’re finally in Spring here at Ryburn! The sun is shining, the birds are singing and the students are working really hard as they continue to strive to excel. We’ve had a jam-packed few weeks so there’s plenty to shout about. Read on to find out more about what's been happening in Science and Maths, where to buy tickets for our school production and how we celebrated World Book Day.
Banner Artwork: Art Club Canvas for Calderdale hospital comfort room
Help support our ryburn family
The community have really been coming together to raise funds for a member of our Ryburn family, Tiffany Black (nee Bently), who has got to undergo cancer treatment. Last month a group of our staff walked 17 miles from Sowerby Bridge to Gildersome and raised over £1000. The current total is now over £25,000 and the target is £50,000. We would really appreciate your support and would be grateful for any donations. Click here to donate to the Just Giving page.
Donations for Ukraine
Our Ryburn Sixth Charity leaders have shown great initiative in arranging a Donations Drive to help with the humanitarian crisis in Ukraine. All donations will be sent to the Ukraine Center in Halifax. Thank you to everyone who donated useful items such as first aid supplies and clothing. If you would like to donate cash, you can do so via Just Giving.
World Book Day 2022
We love World Book Day here at Ryburn and our English department certainly celebrated in style.
We also created a video to promote the day working with the fantastic library team to set up a trail of book dominoes throughout the space and getting students involved too. It was a lot of fun and we were so glad to see that so many of you enjoyed it.
Finally our wonderful teachers Mr Virot and Mr Malik did an excellent job at reading to our students. They were reading from 'The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Nighttime' and everyone really enjoyed it.
We also want to say a huge well done to Aiden Ashworth for bravely volunteering to stand up and read in front of everyone!
Ryburn supports international women’s day
Our staff and students across the lower school and Ryburn Sixth showed their support for International Women’s Day following this year's theme of ‘Break the Bias’. Supporting a world free of bias, stereotypes, and discrimination. You can read more about this year’s theme and how to show your support at here.
shing-a-ling what a creepy thing to be happening
Our talented students will be performing the 80's cult classic 'Little Shop of Horrors'.
Little Shop of Horrors is a horror comedy rock musical that follows a hapless florist shop worker raising a plant that feeds on human blood and flesh.
Join us from Wednesday 30 March - Friday 1 April when our students will be rocking out unforgettable performances in the style of early 1960s rock and roll, doo-wop and early Motown.
We are taking everything digital this year, tickets can be purchased via Eventbrite.
Talent @ Ryburn
Ahead of our Pride Week events following the Easter break, our LGBTQ+ Society have decided to hold a talent show on Monday 4 April. The theme is ‘Pride’, so whatever talent you choose to present, make it something uniquely you and that you take great Pride in. The winner will have the opportunity to perform on the youth stage at the Happy Valley Pride event taking place in the Summer. Keep an eye on our socials as we will be releasing more information. We can’t wait to see what you’ll show us.
Mental Health Mentors
We are launching our first peer-to-peer mentoring training for Year 12 students. They will be training to become young mental health mentors so that they can act as another point of call for students and liaise closely with the well-being team. We think it’s a great initiative and we are proud that our students choose to go above and beyond to help one another.
Ryburn Rugby
Our Year 10 rugby team returned to the field after a break from school rugby. It was a close game, but Trinity just edged it. The team gave it their all and we look forward to seeing them compete in the Calderdale Cup next month. Click here for the full match report.
Our Year 8 team won their game in the first round of the National Cup. They dominated the game with tries coming thick and fast. The full match report is available on the RVHS PE Department Facebook page. They will be moving on to the next round where they will face a team from either London or Wales. Good luck team!
pop-up re-shop
On Friday 4 March we opened up our pop-up RE-SHOP selling up-cycled products made by the students with proceeds going towards getting metal water bottles for students. Students sold Tomato plants, night lights and even some items of furniture that they all worked hard to make. Both staff and students came to browse and we saw some very happy customers!

Canvases for Calderdale hospital
Our Art Club students have been working hard to transform two large canvases for Calderdale Hospital. They were requested by the hospital themselves to brighten up the comfort room in the eye clinic and create a positive experience for the children who attend. We’re really proud of the studetns for their hard work and creativity and we hope those who attend the clinic enjoy the artwork.
Super Science Students
Well done to our latest voucher winners in the Educake Science Revision Awards. Ben Webster and Abi Jones have both done extremely well averaging at least 70% weekly in the extra revision tasks which got their names into the latest prize draw.
The competition isn't over. There's still chocolate to be won each week and there will be another prize draw before we break up for Easter.
All the fun of the university fair
The Year 12 students paid a visit to the university fair at the Gmex centre in Manchester. A lot of the major universities and apprenticeship organisations were present and they had the opportunity to go round, ask questions and explore their options for their paths beyond Ryburn Sixth.
Mad about maths
There have been lots of exciting things happening in our maths department. Our year 7 have recently completed their first maths project where they had to design a maths-based board game. The quality and creativity shown was amazing, well done to everyone.
Year 11 have done fantastically well in the Intermediate Mathematical Challenge. This is a national challenge and only the top 8% receive gold and are entered into the next round - The Pink Kangaroo! Good luck for round two.
Elite teamwork in ryburn sixth
The Army came to visit Ryburn Sixth and our Year 12 students got to take part in several team-building activities where they overcame obstacles and worked together to formulate solutions.
Ryburn alumni we want you!
If you studied at Ryburn then we would love to hear from you and find out what you are doing now. We want to start showcasing more of what our students have gone on to achieve following their time at Ryburn and post regular features. Get in touch at publish@rvhschool.co.uk.
Upcoming Dates:
Year 9 Options Deadline - Friday 25 March
Year 8 HPV Injections - Monday 28 March
Year 10 Parents Evening - Tuesday 29 March
Year 10 Study Skills - Tuesday 5 April
Are our emergency contact details and medical records up to date for your child?
If you have any feedback or suggestions for this newsletter, please feel free to email publish@rvhschool.co.uk.
You can also keep an eye on our social media channels for more frequent updates and stories.