In March, school offers were sent out across Calderdale, and Team Ryburn grew as we welcomed 300 new students and their families. Welcome!
As you each make that journey towards secondary school, we are here to support you step by step to make sure you get off to a flying start at Ryburn. Our Transition Team has already been out to visit our new students in your primary schools - it was great to meet you! We’ll be in touch several times between now and September. Here’s the information so far.
Your Ryburn Ready Checklist
Ready, steady, Ryburn
This is your checklist to get prepared for starting at Ryburn in September. We’ve posted a copy to all our new families. If you need another copy, you can print one below.
School Bus pass applications
Apply now for Zero Fare Bus passes for September
Applications are now open for Zero Fare Passes for those students who are eligible. These have to be reapplied for each year with Calderdale Council.
Eligible students include those from low income families, and those allocated a school place more than 3 miles from home. If your circumstances have changed, you can read the eligibility criteria at the link below.
Fare payable passes
Applications for fare payable school bus passes are not yet open. WY Metro handle these; they are launching a new online system to do so, which is expected to go live in the next few weeks. We'll let you know once we hear that this is ready. For more information see:
The closing date for applications for a pass for the next school year is 25 June.
New content for you
Head on over to our dedicated ‘Starting at Ryburn’ page. We’ve just added a virtual tour video and a video guide to the Art project we’re asking your primary schools to do with you.
Virtual Tour
Explore our school building with Rosie.