Red Nose Day 2021

Guaranteed to be more fun than sticking a swab up your nose, it's Comic Relief: Red Nose Day on Friday 19 March!

We're holding a non-uniform day to raise money. Cashless donations are preferred. Using the link below enables you to GiftAid your donation, and is safer than cash donations right now - though we will have bucket collections at the ready on Friday too. The suggested donation is £1, or whatever you can afford.

Students have also been coming up with all sorts of great fundraising ideas of their own.

Ryburn Sixth students are holding a Bake Off contest.

Sam and William held a Rocket League marathon, and donated money for each goal scored - 60 times! Lexie P baked yummy cakes to sell to her family and friends.

And check out these yummy cakes baked by Gwynneth HW. She baked 20 cupcakes and delivered them to 20 local houses with a leaflet suggesting that if they enjoyed the cupcake then maybe they would consider donating to her Red Nose Day Justgiving page, and raised an amazing £65 in the process!

It's not too late to organise your own fundraising event - it can be great fun and develop skills like our super students above have done. Check out Mr Duffy's iDay video (within the KS3 presentation) and the Comic Relief website for lots of ideas for things you could do.