Taster Day gets students thinking about the future


Our annual taster day gave Year 11 students chance to explore the many paths and opportunities they might choose to pursue in the future.

For the majority of students, that meant sampling A-level lessons at the Ryburn Sixth Taster Day. There was a wide range of alternatives on offer too, with a mini-careers fair, and workshops exploring apprenticeships and employment opportunities.

Ryburn students are unique and diverse individuals, and the range of things they will go on to achieve in the future is limitless. We are so grateful to the many businesses, organisations and individuals who give their time to share their experiences and help to inspire and support every student to approach their future with the knowledge and confidence to make their own choices.


It's never too early to start exploring where your passions could take you in the future. Our younger STEM Club students also seized the opportunity to meet Flight Lieutenant Phil Todd to get the inside story on what it's like to be a part of the RAF. It was a really interesting session.

A huge THANK YOU to the RAF, West Yorkshire Police, ASK (Apprenticeship Support and Knowledge), Lloyds Banking Group, Calderdale College, Kirklees College, Askham Bryam College, Woodspeen Training, Bradford City Football Club, GP Strategies, the National Citizen Service and Life Experience for taking part in the day.
