Ryburn students stand for UK Youth Parliament

Ballot papers at the ready! Tomorrow is national election day for the UK Youth Parliament. UKYP was established to provide young people with a voice to bring about social change which will be listened to by the local, regional and national government. They campaign on issues that matter to young people across the country, and have an annual debate in the Houses of Parliament.

There are six candidates standing in this week's election to be Calderdales Member of Youth Parliament, and three out of the six are Ryburn Ambassadors. (Go Will, Harrison and Lara!) Our candidates hosted discussions with other students about the issues challenging them. It’s great to see that our programmes such as Ambassadors are able to give students the confidence to not only apply for these roles but also to inspire other students to strive for a better tomorrow.

Students will be voting on the candidate manifesto that they think are most important, rather than voting for a specific person. The manifestos are the issues these candidates deem important to discuss when it comes to young people their age. Make your vote count!

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