A guide to gradings for this summer’s exams

Originally posted 10 June. Last updated 22 July.

Exam grades for Year 11 and 13 are happening differently this year. Here’s our guide to what to expect.

As you’ll be aware, the government has decided that this year’s summer exams series will not go ahead, due to the disruption caused by the pandemic. Instead, your teachers will submit grades to the exam boards, known as Teacher Assessed Grades (TAGs), which will enable you to progress to your next stage of education, training or employment. These are based on what you have shown you know and can do, and we have to provide evidence to back up our grades.

This guide explains how we are awarding grades, what evidence we are using, and how it is made fair. It also includes information on what to do if you feel you have mitigating circumstances, or if you wish to appeal your grade after results day.

How are we awarding grades?

Teachers will determine your grades using a portfolio of evidence such as tests, coursework, homework and class work on what you have been taught. This is a significant undertaking. Your grades matter, and teachers and heads of department are putting a huge amount of time and thought into getting it right. We have taken a holistic approach to selecting which evidence we use, selecting work which best demonstrates different skills, knowledge and competencies in the subject. 

Now that the evidence lists have been agreed, teachers will assess students against these. The grades given by your teachers will have multiple checks by school before being submitted. The deadline for us to submit your grades to the exam boards is 18 June. 

What evidence are we using to decide your grades?

Each department has carefully put together a range of evidence that we believe represents students’ performance. Normally the same range of evidence will be used across a cohort, other than in exceptional circumstances.

Please click the subjects below to see the list of evidence your teachers will be using to determine your grades.

Key Stage 4


Key Stage 5

Please note that we cannot tell you the grade which we have submitted for you before results day. Your grade is not open to negotiation.

Is it fair?

You may be concerned about whether Teacher Assessed Grades are fair and whether some teachers or schools will be more generous than others in their gradings. We are optimistic that the measures in place will ensure grades are as fair as possible and that you can have confidence in your grades.

Within Ryburn we are sampling evidence across different classes and working as a team to ensure that our own gradings are consistently applied. All Teacher Assessed Grades will be reviewed in school and signed off by the Head of Department and the Headteacher. We are committed to being as open and transparent as we can about the process, including by publishing here the details of the evidence we are using in our judgements.

All schools and colleges have had to follow the same detailed guidance on how to award grades. From April to July, the exam boards are all carrying out extensive quality assurance checks, making sure that the guidance has been properly followed. They are checking the processes and will be sampling evidence to check that gradings are fair and consistent.

Reasonable adjustments and access arrangements

Students with special educational needs and disabilities who would normally have reasonable adjustments or access requirements made for exams are still entitled to this support, and this has been taken into account in considering the evidence of your performance. If you have any questions about this, please contact our SENDCo Ms Gould.

Mitigating circumstances

The pandemic has disrupted life for everyone, however, some individuals have had it worse than others. Where an individual has faced factors outside of their control that might have affected their performance, such as bereavement or significant ill-health, these circumstances can be taken into account in the evidence used or the grades given.

There are 3 categories which can be considered:

  1. The student experienced more COVID related disruption in terms of accessing lessons than their class peers

  2. The student had late access arrangements granted

  3. The student has a mitigating circumstance that we should take into account.

To support our staff, they have been provided with this information to ensure that they are consistent with each other. There are detailed rules for the grounds we can consider for mitigating circumstances. These mean that in some cases we have not been able to apply any special consideration as the reasons do not meet those listed by the exam board.

If you think there have been mitigating circumstances affecting your performance which we may not be aware of, please discuss these with us by Tuesday 15 June so that they can be taken into account. It is important to do this before we submit your grade.

Results Day

  • AS and A level results day - Tuesday 10 August 2021

  • GCSE results day - Thursday 12 August 2021

At the time of writing, we will be issuing grades by email (to your school email account) rather than in person. We will have senior and Ryburn Sixth staff available for individual meetings for those who need to discuss their next steps. Further information will be provided nearer to the time.

As usual, your certificates are provided by the exam boards later in the year. Ryburn Sixth students are given these directly, and we contact students who have left to arrange for you to collect these. 

What if I am not happy with my grade?

Although everyone is working hard to make sure that students all get the correct grade, there is an appeals process in place to fix any genuine errors. You can appeal for any of the following reasons: 

  • there was an error in the way the school or college followed or applied its procedure for determining your Teacher Assessed Grade

  • the school or college did not make a reasonable judgement when deciding which evidence to use to determine your Teacher Assessed Grade 

If you believe an error has been made in determining your grade, contact the school and we will help determine if you have reason to appeal and support you through the process. If you appeal, your grade could go up, down or stay the same.

Please make sure you speak to us well in advance of the deadline for submitting an appeal - 2 September.

Wellbeing support

We know very well that the circumstances for Year 11 and 13 are far from desirable, and that uncertainty can cause extra anxiety for many students. If you are finding it hard to deal with, please speak to someone about your feelings and get support.

Our pastoral team are available to you until the end of the summer term on 23 July. You can also find many resources and links to local and national organisations offering support on our Wellbeing page.

More information

We hope this guide has given you a helpful overview of how your Teacher Assessed Grades will work this summer.

If you would like more detailed information, please see the following guides. If you have any further questions about how we are awarding grades at Ryburn, please contact Mrs Evans.