Covid-19 (coronavirus) update

—Updated 17 March in line with national guidance.—

In light of the coronavirus outbreak, we are following the guidelines and doing what we can to minimise risks. We wanted to let you know of the impact on school, and what we need you to do to support.

Trips and events

All our upcoming trips and events are being reviewed, and many will be postponed or cancelled. If your child is going on an overseas trip, we will be in touch directly by letter once we have contacted the tour operators, with the information related to the specific trip and the situation for refunds.

  • Parents Evening - Year 8 and Year 10 Parents Evenings have been postponed until the summer term. You will be sent an update on your child's progress.

  • Gym and Dance Show - This will be postponed to a later date.

  • Overseas trips including the Maths Paris trip, Music and Dance trip to Berlin and the Geography trip to Iceland are cancelled, as is the Spanish Exchange trip due to visit Ryburn. Please await information directly if your child was coming on one of these trips.

  • Please check our Facebook page regularly for further updates on cancellations.

Minimising infection

  • Students and staff have been asked to increase hand washing and practise good hygiene

  • Regular cleaning of the school has increased with surfaces such as door handles being disinfected regularly

  • Any students or staff with a new and persistent cough or a high fever should stay at home for 7 days. We will be sending home students who show symptoms.

  • If you live with others and you or one of them have symptoms of coronavirus, then all household members must stay at home and not leave the house for 14 days. The 14-day period starts from the day when the first person in the house became ill.

  • Practice social distancing to reduce the spread of the virus and to protect vulnerable people.

Read our guide

School closure

School closures are directed nationally, so we will remain open whilst we are directed to do so. We are preparing for the possibility of a school closure in future in order to provide work for students and opportunities to learn at home.

We know this unprecedented situation is deeply concerning. We are also aware of the impact the situation will have on some in terms of increased anxiety. We would urge you to avoid speculation in the comments and to refer to official information and advice sources. It is clear that we need to work together, and be aware of the need to support and protect each other.

Letter home

Letters were sent home with all students on Friday 13 March. If you did not receive one for some reason, you can read it here.