Dear Year 10

A letter from Mrs Smith

Dear Year 10,

I’m *so* excited at the prospect of seeing some of you again from next week. It’s going to be very different from ‘normal’ school, but I’m sure you’ll make the best of it. We have been busy working with our pastoral team to ensure you have the most productive time in school, whilst keeping you safe by following the Covid-19 rules. We understand that everyone’s home circumstances are different, and if coming into school isn’t an option for you at present, please remember I’m only at the end of email to answer any questions or to provide some support.

Those of you who are coming into school may be feeling a range of emotions at the moment. It’s not uncommon to feel anxious returning after the summer holidays, let alone in the current circumstances, so please recognise that this is ok. You might find this article helpful. Others will be in the same boat, so talk about your feelings. We’ve included pastoral sessions in your timetable because this stuff is important.

The last couple of months have been frustrating and confusing for some of us. We have had a lifestyle that has been thrown at us unexpectedly, which has brought new challenges. It certainly isn’t how I thought my first year as your Head of Year would go if I’m being honest!

Over the past week, I have been reflecting on my personal journey through the pandemic but, more importantly, our journey as a year group. During this reflection, I started to think more about what life is going to be like and look forward to the next chapter.

I have been looking into some key events for your time in Year 11 which I hope you can share in my excitement for. Mrs Williams and I have been talking about prom and gathering information about venues - Mrs Williams is eager to get a prom committee together as soon as we can. I have also spent some of my spare time during lockdown creating folders with photos, videos and memories from Years 7-10 in preparation for your leavers’ assembly! I’ve had a meeting this week with C&K careers to discuss various opportunities for work experience and support that will help you to access different career pathways and further education once you have finished your GCSEs. There’s so much to look forward to. Stay positive – this time will pass.

I know some of you have been keeping yourselves very busy during lockdown. I have loved seeing and hearing about your TikToks, social media challenges, artwork, creative writing and fundraising events and this has reinforced to me what a resilient, hardworking and fun year group you really are!

Whether you are continuing to work from home over the next few weeks or you are joining us on your scheduled place at school, it is really important that you continue to work to the best of your ability to access your potential and ensure you are in the best possible position you can be for when we return to school as an entire year group. Please do reach out if you need support.

Take care, keep safe and see you soon,

Miss Smith

Head of Year 10