Goodbye Year 11!

Goodbye Year 11

A special video message from the staff at Ryburn to our wonderful Year 11 leavers. We wish you all the very best for the future. We look forward to continuing our journey with those of you who are joining Ryburn Sixth in September. Good luck and stay in touch.

Year 11 Results Day 2020

Your Results Day is Thursday 20 August. Like so many other things this year, it will look a little different due to the COVID-19 guidelines, but you will get both your results and the opportunity for a face to face meeting with staff.

You should have received a letter explaining how it will work. The information is here. Please make sure you read this carefully and respond.

Getting Your Results

Due to social distancing, GCSE results this year will be sent to you by email, first thing in the morning on the 20 August. It’s important that you receive this email record of your results, which you may need to provide for college or job applications.

You can specify the email address to which we should send your results, via the response form linked below. Make sure it is one that you can definitely access. You do not want to spend the morning stressing out resetting passwords. If you do not specify another address, we will send them to your school email.

You will also receive your physical qualification certificates from the exam boards. These will be ready in the Autumn and we will notify you later this year about collection procedures.

Your response is required 

Please click the appropriate button below and complete the form to record the email address where you wish to have your results sent and to confirm or request an appointment. Please respond by 24 July.

If you have applied for Ryburn Sixth and / or if you have received a letter with an appointment date

You will have have an appointment booked with a senior member and your time is in the letter we sent you. If you have not received your letter, please contact us via the school Facebook page or email Mrs Brenchley.

This will be your opportunity to discuss your results and get advice on your next steps, and hopefully congratulations! It’s really important to attend. For those who have met our entry requirements and wish to return to Ryburn Sixth we will be completing your Sixth Form registration during this appointment. Please bring a passport style photo with your name on the back to help with this, or email a photo on a plain background with your name to

Please arrive at school 5 minutes before your time and when advised by senior staff, enter via the Sixth Form Entrance. We would appreciate your punctuality to help make sure that the appointments can run on time all day.

In order to minimise the number of people in school, we request that preferably you bring only one parent/carer to the appointment with you. In some cases we understand this may not be possible.

If you have previously told us you do not intend to stay on for ryburn sixth

You have the opportunity to book an appointment with a member of staff to discuss your results, your next steps, and hopefully to offer congratulations.

Should you be reconsidering applying to Ryburn Sixth, we’d be very happy to discuss this with you. We can consider late applications at this time, if you are rethinking your options due to transport or other considerations. Our careers advisors will also be available to offer advice and information on options such as apprenticeships. 

If you wish to request an appointment, please request this on the response form at the link below. We will book a time for you and let you know when this is. Unfortunately, late requests for appointments will not be able to be processed due to Covid restrictions.

If you are in Year 12 taking GCSE resits

Make sure we have a working email address to which we can send your results.

September 2020

For those of you who will be joining us at Ryburn Sixth in September we are excited to welcome you back! All our students will be in school full-time and all lessons will be delivered in classrooms with social distancing. Due to our relatively small size, we are confident that we will safely be able to maintain our normal high standards of education and still provide a majority of our normal enrichment offering for our students.

If you are joining us in September in Year 12, term will begin on Monday 7 September at 10am. Please make your way to the Sixth Form entrance between 9.30 and 9.55 with normal school equipment. Students will have a short lunch break where food will be available in the Sixth Form Common Room. Please note this is a cash service only. This induction day will be completed at 2pm.

You’ve certainly had a strange year, being denied your chance to sit your exams, and we share your sense of anti-climax. We are hopeful that the results you receive will reflect the hard work that you put in throughout your time at our school. We are proud of you and hope that you’ll feel proud of yourself too, whatever your results.

If you have any questions about your results or Ryburn Sixth please don’t hesitate to contact Mrs Brenchley.