A Level Results Day 2020

This post is about A-Level Results Day. For GCSE Results Day see here.

A-level Results Day is Thursday 13 August. Like so many other things this year, it will look a little different due to the COVID-19 guidelines.

We’ve made arrangements to give students both their results and the opportunity for a face to face meeting with staff if you wish. A letter has been sent home explaining how it will work, and the same information is here. Please read this carefully and respond.

Getting Your Results

Due to social distancing, exam results this year will be sent to you by email, first thing in the morning on the 13 August. It’s important that you receive this email record of your results, which you may need to provide for applications.

You can specify the email address to which we should send your results, via the response form linked below. Make sure it is one that you can definitely access. You do not want to spend the morning stressing out resetting passwords. If you do not specify another address, we will send them to your school email.

You will also receive your physical qualification certificates from the exam boards. These will be ready in the Autumn and we will notify you later this year about collection procedures.

Book an appointment

You have the opportunity to book an appointment to discuss your results and next steps. You can speak to a senior member of staff, discuss your options for further education, university and clearing or see a careers advisor for advice and information on options such as apprenticeships.

If you wish to request an appointment, please request this on the response form at the link below. We will book a time for you and let you know when this is.

There will also be a limited number of appointments available to book on the day, in case your results are different from what you expected and your plans need to change. This can be booked by phone and will be available on a first come first served basis.

Your response is required

Please click the button above to record the email address where you wish to have your results sent and, if you wish, to request an appointment. Please respond by 24 July.

You’ve certainly had a strange year, being denied your chance to sit your exams, and we share your sense of anti-climax. We are hopeful that the results you receive will reflect the hard work that you put in throughout your time at Ryburn Sixth. We are proud of you and hope that you’ll feel proud of yourself too, whatever your results.