National Lockdown

Due to the national lockdown, like all schools, we are now running online learning for all students until at least February half term.

Key information:

  • We have updated our Home Learning page to explain how to join the live lessons, including what to do if your child has issues with access to technology. There is also a code of behaviour and conduct for students.

    As the remote learning will be running for longer, it’s really important that we ensure students can access it properly and that it is working effectively. If you have any feedback or suggestions, please let us know by emailing

  • We are open for children of critical workers and vulnerable children. Please contact if you have any questions regarding this.

  • Free school meals vouchers will be issued by email to all eligible families throughout the period of closure.

Our IT team have received a large volume of requests for password resets and are working through these - please be patient.


  • Exams which are scheduled in January WILL go ahead as planned, along with associated revision sessions. We will communicate directly with those involved as to the arrangements for these.

  • The summer exams will be affected, but we are awaiting final details of exactly how students are to be assessed. We appreciate the extra stress and frustration caused for our year 11 and 13 students by the uncertainty, and we are with you. The situation is far from ideal. As soon as we have more information on what to expect, we will let you know. 

We hope that our students and families will meet this new hurdle with the resolve, resilience and community spirit which you have demonstrated time and again. We know this is hard, and more so for many, depending on our individual circumstances. If you have any concerns about wellbeing, please don’t hesitate to contact your child’s Head of Year. You may also find the resources and links on our wellbeing pages useful.

Stay safe everyone.
