Snow Closure

Due to forecast heavy snow on Friday 8 January, school will be closed to critical worker and vulnerable students and all staff.

We have been monitoring the weather forecast for tomorrow; heavy snow is predicted overnight. Due to the small numbers in school and the fact that there is no bus provision, we are concerned that having to close at short notice will have a significant impact on ensuring students can return home safely.

Therefore we have made the decision to close the school to the critical worker and vulnerable students and all staff. We regret any inconvenience caused and hope that this early decision will help you to make any necessary arrangements.

Home Learning

Live lessons will continue where staff are able to run these from home. For any lessons where this is not possible, teachers will contact their classes by email and set work for the lesson.

scheduled KS5 exams

As this forecast may change, we are provisionally planning on running the scheduled Key Stage 5 Media exam in the morning and Health and Social Care exam in the afternoon but these may be cancelled at short notice if the site is not safely accessible. We will directly contact the small number of students involved if this happens.