Our first newsletter of 2021.
Hello, and welcome to 2021. Under all the current restrictions, it’s not been an ideal start to the new year. But we’ve all learned a lot since the first lockdown, and we’re so impressed with the attitude and adaptability shown by students and staff through their remote learning since the beginning of term. It looks like we’ll be keeping our feet in the virtual world for some time longer, and we’re so glad to see your resilience and perseverance not only with school life but with your wider lives too.
We realise that many people are also finding it hard going at times too. Read on to find out more about what we are doing to support wellbeing in our school community during this time.
Banner Artwork: Molly Rumsey (Y12)
Supporting wellness at ryburn
We make the wellbeing of our students, staff and community an absolute priority at Ryburn, and that attention is something we are working really hard to maintain despite being physically apart.
Our form tutors and pastoral team have been personally calling every family each fortnight to check in on how everyone is doing and to ensure that no one is overlooked. We’ve also had lots of useful feedback and ideas from both students and parents on ways to help you manage, so thank you to everyone who has shared that. We’ve implemented some changes quickly and are looking at what else we can do.
Getting the support you need
During these isolating times, existing mental health problems can be exacerbated, or new issues may crop up. We want students and parents or carers to know that you have someone here you can turn to for help. Please do reach out if things are tough at the moment.
Visit our wellbeing page to find out who our wellbeing team are, how we can support you or help you find the help and resources you need, working closely with specialist local organisations.
Supporting everyone’s wellbeing
As well as helping those students who are struggling, we can all play a part in encouraging practices, mindsets and habits that can help bolster good mental and physical health for everyone. Over the coming weeks we will be sharing ideas and resources to help.
The first of these is a video we made with Lucy Austin, one of our former performing arts teachers. In it she explains what mindfulness is, and demonstrates a number of practical breathing exercises that can be used to calm anxiety.
Mindfulness and Breathing
Wellbeing Day - Thursday 4 February
Next week, as part of Children’s Mental Health Week we are holding a virtual ‘drop down day’ on Thursday. This is for all years except Year 11, who will be doing the post-16 taster day (see below).
For years 7-10, the morning will include a number of specially recorded lessons looking at different ways to support your own wellbeing.
The theme of Children’s Mental Health Week is ‘Express Yourself’. In the afternoon, students will be given the time to go offline, recharge and enjoy their choice of activity with this theme in mind. Whether that means a creative or practical activity, or getting out to enjoy nature, the main thing is to spend time doing something you love.
Read more
Post 16 TASTER DAY - Thursday 4 February
Year 11 have chance to explore their options for the future next Thursday.
Ryburn Sixth are hosting a virtual taster day where students can try out Key Stage 5 taster lessons and find out more about life as a Ryburn Sixth student.
For students looking for an alternative, the programme for the day will include sessions from employers and colleges. C&K Careers are running a CV writing workshop and ASK will explain all about apprenticeship opportunities.
Students have a tailored programme to match their own preferences, and you’ll get information on your own schedule for the day via email and Microsoft Teams appointments. Read more.
Applying to Ryburn Sixth
The deadline for applications to Ryburn Sixth for this September is 8 February. We’ve had a big number of applications already and we’re looking forward to welcoming you all. We interview all applicants and this will take place the week beginning 22 February.
Open a new book
A huge well done to Years 7, 8 and 9 for continuing to read using myON, our e-library that links with the Accelerated Reading programme. As of this morning 890 books have been finished on myON and 484hrs 36min have been spent reading! These are some of the most popular books from last week, to give you a taste of what you can access.
Don't forget that there are almost 6000 books to choose from, many of which are linked to an AR quiz.
Online Safety Newsletter
As our children are spending more time online and using their free time on consoles, it’s important for you to learn everything you can about Playstation and Xbox consoles. This newsletter will help you learn how to keep your child safe online whilst gaming. Learn how to set up parent controls and how to help your child be open with you about what really happens online.
Busy Bees
Sisters Isabel and Evie O’Kane in Year 8 have been busy!
Isabel got picked to be the virtual mascot for Spurs for a game against Leeds United which was broadcasted on TV. This opportunity was made even sweeter when she was asked to predict the winning score which she did, correctly predicting that Spurs would win 3-0.
Burberry Future Fashion
Evie was one of five talented students each reaching the finals of Burberry’s competition on ‘future fashion’, along with Isobel B, Lydia K, Maisie K and Erin M.
The finale was held via Zoom this year rather than Burberry HQ, but was still a fantastic experience. Students saw a presentation by Burberry, listened to how each Judge had got to where they are today, had wonderful feedback on their work and had the opportunity to ask questions to industry experts. Unfortunately, none of our finalists were successful this time, but they were highly commended and will all receive a Burberry scarf and a goody bag.
creative writing Competition
We were delighted to have several students as runners up in the Rotary Club’s creative writing competition, as well as the winning writer, Milly Lehman. Students were asked to write about their ‘Happiest Day’.
Congratulations to Milly, and well done to our runners up: Tyler Faulkner, Brady Bottomley, Isabel Wade, Reis Dawber and George Thomas, who each receive a voucher in recognition of their efforts.
And a very big thank you to the Rotary Club of Sowerby Bridge for the opportunity.
Look out for some uplifting words from our students in a news post coming soon.
Let it Snow, Let it Snow
The weather has turned a little chilly lately, with snow falling country wide.
It was good to see many students (and staff!) managed to find some time to enjoy it. Just look at these lovely snowmen!
the burner
Our PE Department have taken an innovative approach to remote PE lessons for Years 7-9 this term, with their Burner Challenge. Each week covers a different theme of physical fitness such as balance or reactions, warm ups and stretches, along with a fun weekly practical challenge based on the lesson’s content.
Week one featured a balance challenge, with students challenged to attempt and record their best times when doing the Standing Stork Test. The top performers were:
YEAR 7 | YEAR 8 | YEAR 9 |
7.4 Orla Tisdale - 16.36 (Min/Sec) | 8xi Lucia Morrison 30.00 | 9xc Mollie Smith 15.30 |
7.6 Gwyneth Harrison-Walker - 16.00 | 8xh Lacey Webster 29.34 | 9xi Hannah Burgess 13.23 |
7.2 Megan Culpan - 15.31 | 8xj Amelie Tinsley 20.48 | 9xa Elizabeth Hill 12.30 |
FORM: 7.5 (Most participants) | FORM: 8xj & 8xh | FORM: 9xi |
Week 2’s challenge was muscular endurance, how many sit ups can you do in 1 minute. The top performers were:
YEAR 7 | YEAR 8 | YEAR 9 |
7.6 Ellie Potts 69 | 8xa Niah Farrar 58 | 9xe Carson Nasir 61 |
7.7 Freddie Wylde 55 | 8xh Lacey Webster 47 | 9xa Adam Crowther 46 |
7.1 Oliver Boyd 53 | 8xc Loui Britton 45 | 9xe Taylor Howard 39 |
FORM: 7.2 & 7.6 | FORM: 8xh | FORM: 9xb |
Art And Photography SHowcase
The Arts and creativity have proven their value time and again through this pandemic, and we’ve been so impressed with the work our students have been producing. Here’s a few highlights.
Click the buttons below to view the Art Department’s most recent two gallery slideshows.

Artwork: James Woodcock Y8, Emilia Potts Y10, Keira Jordan Y7, Kai Greenwood Y11, Isaac Farrar Y10, Bibi Gray Y10, Charlotte Culf Y9, Cameron Barnes Y9, Annabel Crossley Y9, Leafy Gough Y13.
Lockdown resources
Here are some resources and activities to do during lockdown. If you enjoy cracking some eggs, there’s a weekly cook-a-long. Exercise is available from Joe Wicks once again. Learn more about animals and conservation from Chester Zoo. These are offered as suggestions for things you may enjoy - no pressure if you’re feeling there’s just not enough hours in the day.
BBC Bitesize have some great resources for all subjects including Science, Drama, Business and Modern Foreign Languages.
Key Dates
- Thu 28 Jan - Y11 Parents’ Evening
- Thu 4 Feb - Post 16 Taster Day (Y11) & Wellbeing Drop Down Day for other years
- Mon 8 Feb - Y11 Application deadline for Ryburn Sixth
- Tue 9 Feb - Y9 HPV Vaccinations (by appointment - see email)
- Wed 10 Feb - Y12 Parents’ Evening
- Mon 15 - Fri 19 Feb - HALF TERM
- Tue 23 Feb - Y9 Options Evening (virtual)
- Mon 8 March - Y9 Taster Day
- Wed 10 March - Y9 Parents’ Evening
- Fri 26 March - Y9 Options deadline
(All events subject to change or cancellation)
If you have any feedback or suggestions for this newsletter, please feel free to email publish@rvhschool.co.uk.
You can also keep an eye on our social media channels for more frequent updates and stories.