Partial closure - Covid-19

We are taking further measures to manage the developing coronavirus situation and to protect the most vulnerable members of our school community and their families. 

Therefore, from this Thursday 19 March, we are asking the following to stay home:

  • Year 9 and 10 students

  • Students in any year who are considered at high risk from the virus, including those with underlying health issues. This can also extend to those students who are concerned for the health of someone considered high risk in their household. See this guidance for more information on who is most at risk.

  • Staff who are considered high risk will be working from home

  • Any students or staff who show symptoms of coronavirus, or who have someone in their household who shows symptoms should remain at home. These include a high fever and a new, persistent cough.

School is currently open to Years 7, 8, 11, 12 and 13 with lessons running as normal. We are continuing to monitor the situation, and will provide further updates as the week progresses, with as much notice as we are able to give you.

With a growing number of people in self isolation and to protect our most vulnerable staff, we have decided to proactively bring in this partial closure. We have considered this decision very carefully as we are aware of the impact on families caused by extra childcare requirements. 

If you cannot care for your child at home

We’re aware that for some families, caring for your child at home during the day may not be possible or may have a negative impact – perhaps those with parents in key jobs who cannot work from home, or those who rely on free school meals. We are offering provision so that these students can attend school. Obviously if your child or someone in your household shows symptoms, they should stay at home.

If you have a child in Y9 or 10 and need them to come to school on Thursday and/or Friday, please email Mrs Mitchell ( or call school to let us know. This will give us an idea of numbers so we can manage their attendance.

Learning at home

This week, students who are remaining at home are directed to the resources listed here. From Monday, we have prepared a structured guide to home working, with work set for each year group in each subject, which will be monitored online by teachers. Information will be provided on how to access this online. Year 11 are receiving additional study packs to continue with their revision.

Please encourage your child to make every effort with their studies, whether at home or at school. The more of a routine that can be maintained, the less unsettling the current situation is for all.

If your child does not have access to a computer and the internet at home, please contact Mr Thorley ( who will arrange for work to be provided.


This is a stressful time for everyone, and we know many of you will be feeling anxious. We’re creating a webpage of resources to help support students’ wellbeing at this time, which will be published soon.

Public health guidance

Please make sure that you are aware of the latest national guidelines to reduce the spread of infection, which include hand washing, social distancing, and self isolation in the event of symptoms for yourself or anyone in your household. We all have a role to play together.

We’re grateful to everyone who is showing kindness and care in this unprecedented situation, and we thank you for your support in these extraordinary measures undertaken to protect our community.

Thank you.