Stay home, save lives

It’s a very strange feeling for our school to be closed, but though we are apart, in some ways our sense of school community feels stronger than ever as we pull together to help stop the spread of coronavirus.

We wanted to say a big thank you to all our students who are keeping safe and inside, saving lives by staying home. We know it's not easy! Thanks to all those who are supporting each other and keeping our spirits up. #weareryburn

Thanks to our staff who are working on a rota and from home to keep school provision for students at home and the small number in school. Thanks for heeding the advice that the best place for children is at home wherever possible, meaning that we have a very small number of key workers and vulnerable children in school today. And a huge thank you to the health workers and other essential key workers in our community who are working so hard at the moment on behalf of all of us. 

If anyone is still uncertain about what social distancing or self-isolation means, these links have some very useful information.

For all the information you need on home learning, please visit our Home Learning page. We recommend 2-3 hours of study per day. Pace yourself and try not to worry too much. Getting creative, getting active, reading a book, cooking lunch for your family or calling your Gran are all officially great ways to spend your time too. Stay home, stay safe and stay sane everyone!

From your Ryburn Heads Kath Parker and David Lord, now keeping a safe 2 metres apart!