What's happening on Wellbeing Day?

On Thursday 4 February, we are stepping back from our remote learning timetable for the day, and instead taking the time to check in on and support our wellbeing.

Express Yourself - Drop Down Day presentation.jpg

It’s Children’s Mental Health Week, and frankly it couldn’t have fallen at a better time. This latest lockdown is challenging all of us and it’s more important than ever to be conscious of how we are doing and take action to support our own wellbeing.

Express Yourself asset (orange).png

This year’s theme is ‘EXPRESS YOURSELF’ and we’re encouraging children, young people and adults to explore different way we can EXPRESS OURSELVES, and the creative ways we can share our feelings, our thoughts and our ideas.

Here’s what you can expect on OUR WELLBEING DAY

Years 7-10

  • 8.55am-9.15am - Form Time Live. Get the day off to a great start by checking in with your form and tutor (via your Microsoft Teams calendar)

  • Periods 1, 2 & 3 - Three short video lessons on the ‘Triangle of Health’, each with an activity to complete independently.

  • Periods 4 & 5 - Take time out to do an activity of your choice that helps you express yourself and feel good. Preferably away from a screen!

  • At the end of the day - Complete a self reflection journal to check in on how you feel. Click the button below to access this. (Online form)

Lesson and activity resources

The slideshow above contains all the materials you’ll need to access independently for the day. There are video lessons for periods 1, 2 & 3, followed by a lots of different activity ideas for you to choose between for periods 4 & 5. Click to view the slides in full screen.

Don’t forget to complete a short reflection journal at the end of the day.

SEND Support

To help all students to participate in the Wellbeing Day, our SEND team are running additional, optional Teams Meetings to offer support to students with an EHCP. Staff will be able to guide students through the links and make sure they are available for any support needed.

There will be a meeting for each year group and an invitation will be sent to those who may join. Students do not need to join the Teams Meeting if they feel confident about watching the videos and doing the tasks independently.

The staff contacting them to join the Teams meeting will be

  • Year 7 Mrs Dunn

  • Year 8 Mrs Dales

  • Year 9 Mrs Marshall

  • Year 10 and 11 Mrs Ward

In the afternoon all staff and students will have free time to do an activity of their choice and so students working at home won't have any support in the afternoon. Students in school will have supervision from our staff in school. However staff will go through a PowerPoint of some ideas for afternoon activities as part of the Teams meeting in the morning. The ‘express yourself’ theme for the day is very much about doing what makes you feel good, so its highly adaptable to meet your needs.

Please contact Mrs Gould via email or on the SEND Facebook page if you have any questions

Year 11

Our Year 11 students day is different. Click below for more information. Of course, you’re welcome to try some of the wellbeing activities suggested here too!

Year 12-13

It’s Wellbeing Day for Ryburn Sixth too! Starting with form time, you’ll have a choice of activities for the day. See the website for more information.

Get more support

Whilst activities like these help us feel good and take care of our mental health, some students and families are struggling, and need more support. Whatever you’re facing, you don’t have to do it alone.

Check out our wellbeing page to find out more about how we support our students, and what resources and sources of specialised help are out there for you.