Further Maths & Statistics

This option includes two separate qualifications, GCSE Statistics and a Level 2 qualification in Further Maths. This pathway is ideal for students who have a passion for Maths and would enjoy a further challenge.



GCSE (9-1)



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Course outline

Statistics: Statistics is the science of collecting and analysing numerical data, and learning from it.

Statistics incorporates numerous examples of real-life data and contexts, which build skills that students will use in other subjects, such as Science and Geography. Students will study topics covered in Mathematics GCSE but will have the opportunity to extend these and to apply them in realistic scenarios. Based on the principles of the statistical enquiry cycle, students gain a rounded understanding of how to interpret and apply data to a number of scenarios, both across subjects and in the real world.

Further Maths: This qualification fills the gap for high achieving students by assessing their higher order mathematical skills, particularly in algebraic reasoning, in greater depth, thus preparing them fully to maximise their potential in further studies at Level 3. It offers the opportunity for stretch and challenge that builds on the Key Stage 4 curriculum. It also gives an introduction to calculus and matrices and develops further skills in trigonometry, functions and graphs. 

Students will be selected for this option based on discussion between the student, parent and teacher.  However the alternative option of Statistics alone is open to all students.

Assessment method

Type of Assessment Additional Details
External Exam Statistics: Edexcel - 2 x 1 hour 30 minute exams
External Exam Further Maths: AQA, - 2 x 1 hour 45 minute exams

The future

This course is good preparation for study of Maths and other ‘STEM’ subjects at A-level. You can study Statistics or Maths at degree level and apply it as a career. Because it deals with data, the skills are very useful in countless real life jobs and situations, including marketing and retail, economics, business analysis and research.

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