5 hours per fortnight

ICT (Technical Award)

Studying a Technical Award in ICT takes a practical approach to developing skills and knowledge of IT and data systems in the workplace.

Mr L Cleary


Level 1/2 Vocational Award in ICT


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Course outline

The Vocational award in ICT is for learners who want to acquire technical knowledge and technical skills through vocational contexts by studying the knowledge, understanding and skills related to coping with rapid changes in technology, designing, programming, testing and evaluating software systems. Students will specifically gain a working knowledge of databases, spreadsheets, automated documents and images.

Learners will develop a number of skills which are attractive to employer, colleges and universities including:

·      Communication

·      Coping with rapid changes in technology

·      Critical thinking

·      Designing, programming, testing and

·      evaluating software systems

·      Learning independently

·      Numeracy and data handling

·      Problem solving

·      Research

·      Taking on responsibility

·      Time management.

Assessment method

The qualification is made up of 2 units:  

Unit 1: ICT in Society

Unit 2: ICT in Context   

 You will be assessed through a mixture of exams and controlled assessments. Unit 1 will be assessed through an exam which is worth 40% of your qualification. The exam will last 1 hour and 20 minutes, it will be made up of short and extended response questions.  Unit 2 will be assessed with project work (no exam) which is worth 60% of your qualification. As part of this assessment, you will be given a scenario and will need to undertake a number of tasks.

Unit % of final grade Type of Assessment Additional details
Unit 1: ICT in Society 40% Internal An exam lasting 1 hour and 20 minutes
Unit 2: ICT in Context 60% Internal Assessed project work

The future

Students who generally achieve at Level 2 across their Key Stage 4 learning might consider progression to A Levels as preparation for entry to higher education in a range of subjects, or to study of a vocational qualification at Level 3, such as a BTEC National in IT. This prepares students to enter employment or apprenticeships, or to move on to higher education by studying a degree in the digital sector.

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Computer Science

A GCSE in Computer Science is a great choice for students with strong mathematical skill and an interest in technology and programming.

Mr L Cleary


GCSE (9-1)


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Course outline

This course enables students to develop their understanding of the current and emerging technologies and how they work. Students develop computer programs to solve problems and evaluate the effectiveness of computer programs / solutions and the impact of computer technology in society.

As well as learning about the theory of computer systems, students will also study computational thinking, algorithms and programming. In Year 10 all students will complete a programming project where they will be challenged by a range of exciting and engaging tasks to apply the knowledge and skills they have learned.

Computer Science is a practical subject where learners can apply the knowledge and skills learned in the classroom to real-world problems. This qualification will value computational thinking and help learners to develop the skills to solve problems and design systems that do so.

This option is subject to a teacher recommendation due to the advanced mathematical nature of the course.

Assessment method

Unit % of Final Grade Type of Assessment Additional Details
1-2 100% Exam External assessment

The future

These skills will be the best preparation for learners who want to go on to study Computer Science at A-level and beyond. This meets the fundamental requirements of employers and leads to occupations such as Computer Programmers, Games Design and Network Engineers.

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Construction & the Built Environment (Vocational)

A Technical Award in Construction is a great choice for practical, hands on students with an interest in construction careers or DIY.

MR O JEFFERSON (Course Leader)


Level 1/2 Technical award


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Course outline

This course is suitable for students who are interested in the construction industry as a career or who are just interested in having great DIY skills for the future. The course should suit pupils who enjoy practical tasks such as: 

  • Wood e.g. hang a door, make a frame, attach a skirting-board, create a timber stud wall

  • Decorate e.g. emulsion a surface, gloss a panel door, paper an internal corner or around a switch

  • Tiling e.g. floor and wall, patch repair

  • Blockwork e.g. bricklaying and repointing

The course suits those with a general interest in the subject and a commitment to work hard. The course is 60% practical and 40% theory, so writing, IT and presentation skills will also be valuable. An ability to measure (mm) accurately and use hand tools safely is desirable.

Assessment method

Unit % of Final Grade Type of Assessment Additional Details
1 40% External Exam - 'Introduction to the built environment.'
2 60% Internal Practical assessment of skills such as wood, tiling and decorating


The future

The successful completion of this qualification, together with other equivalent qualifications, such as in Maths and the Sciences, could provide you with opportunities to access a range of qualifications including A-levels, apprenticeships, vocationally related and occupational qualifications in the construction industry.

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Architecture is designed for students who enjoy learning through design, students will learn a range of design skills over two years.

MR O JEFFERSON (Course Leader)

WJEC Educas

Level 1/2 Technical award

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Course outline

The course will provide you with an overview of the construction industry and the many roles within it. Part of the course provides an insight into the work of professionals that work in the industry such as Architects, Quantity Surveyors and Civil Engineers through to a wide variety of skilled trades people. As part of the design element of the course, you will learn the role of an Architect in the construction process and their roles and responsibilities withing the industry.

Essential qualities and skills needed:

Students will learn:

There are two assements. Theory exam is 1hr 30, along with your 30 hour design exam.

The main skills and attributed required to be successful on this course include: Excellent listening skills, dexterity and an eye for detail and the ability to take real pride in your learning for both design outcomes and theory notes. Having the ability to rise to a practical challenge and practice a practical skill are key to being successful on this course.

  • Design drawing skills

  • Computer aided Design (4D skills)

  • Building regulation legislation

  • Construction management


If you enjoy practical work and mastering new practical skills this course will suit you. The course is centred around learning new practical skills that are linked to the building industry. This course is designed for students who enjoy learning in a practical learning environment and tackling new skills.

The future

Careers in the architecture and engineering are clearly linked to this course. It can be a natural spring board into higher / further education for a professional role or alternatively, training as an apprentice in one of the many trades in the industry. Careers include, Architecture, Building Control, Civil Engineering and Estate management.

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Enterprise & Marketing (Vocational)

Ever fancied yourself as an entrepreneur? Whether you dream of your own start up or a career in business, a qualification in Enterprise and Marketing will give you practical skills and experiences.



Level 1/2 Cambridge National Certificate


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Course outline

Enterprise and Marketing is a practical introduction to life and work as an entrepreneur, students will:

  • Learn about enterprise and marketing concepts

  • Design a business proposal

  • Market and pitch a business proposal

Students will learn about what needs to happen to support a start-up business, and what key factors to decide when starting a business. They will design a proposal to meet a specific business challenge, identifying the customer profile for a specific product and completing market research to generate product ideas. Financial calculations will be completed to propose a pricing strategy and determine the viability of their product proposal. They will also work on brand identity and promotion as part of their business pitch.

IT skills are required for this course as well as team work and research skills.

Assessment method

Unit % of Final Grade Type of Assessment Additional Details
1 50% Exam External
2 25% Internal Ongoing controlled assessment
3 25% Internal Ongoing controlled assessment

The future

The subject can be taken at A-level in Economics or Business or at Level 3 BTEC Business. There are a wide range of employment opportunities for students that have knowledge of business studies. You could set up a business of your own or work within one to help it to perform better or more effectively.

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Hospitality and Catering (Vocational)

Good food brings people together. Studying Vocational Hospitality and Catering will not only provide you with practical skills for a career in catering, but a lifelong skill that will bring you health and enjoyment.

MR O JEFFERSON (Course Leader)


Level 1/2 Technical award


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Course outline

Vocational Hospitality and Catering is an exciting and creative course which focuses on practical cooking skills to ensure students develop a thorough understanding of nutrition, food provenance and the working characteristics of food materials. The course has a large written element as well as plenty of food preparation; students should only choose this course if they enjoy both these elements. 

At its heart, this qualification focuses on nurturing students’ practical skills to give them a strong understanding of nutrition. Food preparation skills are integrated into five core topics:

  • Food, nutrition and health

  • Food science

  • Food safety

  • Food choice

  • Food provenance

Students should demonstrate good organisational skills and time planning.  They should enjoy studying food at KS3 and love cooking. There is an expectation that students will provide their own ingredients for this course.

Assessment method

Unit % of Final Grade Type of Assessment Additional Details
1 40% Exam Written exam – 1 hour and 20 minutes
2 60% Internal Controlled Assessment: Approximately 12 hours

The future

Upon completion of this course, students will be qualified to go on to further study, or embark on an apprenticeship or full time career in the catering or food industries. They will also develop vital life skills so that they can feed themselves and others affordably and nutritiously.

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Studying a Modern Foreign Language GCSE opens doors to travel and adventure. But it is also has many cognitive benefits including memory, critical thinking and concentration. We strongly recommend you consider studying a language.

Mrs N Shaw


GCSE (9-1)


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Course outline

You will build on the skills you have been working on in years 7-9 in the areas of listening, reading, speaking and writing in French. All the skills are examined at the end of the course in Year 11.

Topics covered will include:

  • People and lifestyle

  • Popular culture

  • Communication and the world around us

The course will suit those with confidence in speaking the language, accuracy in writing, an understanding of basic grammar such as verbs and an interest in learning about the culture of different French-speaking countries.

With languages, you are at home anywhere.
— Edward de Waal
French speaking countries around the world.

French speaking countries around the world.

Assessment method

Unit % of Final Grade Type of Assessment Additional Details
1 25% Internal Speaking
2 25% Exam Listening
3 25% Exam Reading
4 25% Exam Written (including translation)


The future

By taking French at GCSE you will have amazing skills and a valuable talent that’s applicable to almost everything you do. Some examples of jobs where languages would be useful include; the world of business, finance, government, media, manufacturing and marketing, teaching, technology, travel and tourism. Languages mean business – being able to speak a language is a real achievement that employers will love! Universities also see having a language as a valuable asset, and some have it as an entry requirement as part of the English Baccalaureate (EBacc).

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GCSE Geography suits those with an interest in other places and world events, and a desire to understand the causes and consequences of global change.

Mrs E Saville


GCSE (9-1)


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Course outline

This course explores both human and physical Geography and the processes that shape our world. You will study natural disasters, rivers and coasts, the living world including tropical rainforests and cold environments. You will learn about human Geography focusing on the challenges facing our cities, the changing economy and the challenge of managing resources. The course includes many topical issues facing the world today and will help you to understand why things change and how humans can cope and adapt to this change.

GCSE Geography has helped me to understand more about the world around me – from the way our towns are changing to the consequences this is having on the environment, for example, for example the Calder Valley floods. Every day, there is something in the news that I can link to Geography.
— Kate, Adam & Josh, Year 13

Assessment method

Unit % of Final Grade Type of Assessment Additional Details
1 30% Exam Living in the UK today – 1 hour
2 30% Exam The world around us – 1 hour and 30 minutes
3 40% Exam Geographical skills – 1 hour and 30 minutes

The future

A-level Geography can be studied here at Ryburn; we expect a minimum of a grade 5 at GCSE. Geography combines well with other subjects both in the Humanities or the Sciences and is one of the most flexible qualifications you can gain, giving access to a variety of careers and higher education courses. Geography is highly valued by universities. Graduates in Geography experience some of the best rates of employment of all graduates compared to all other disciplines in jobs as diverse as town planning, flood management, tourism, accountancy and the energy industries (e.g. oil production or renewables).

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Health & Social Care (Vocational)

At the heart of Health and Social Care is care and compassion. This practical course is about working with people, developing understanding and empathy.

Mrs G Whiteley


Edexcel Level 1/2 Technical Award


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Course outline

This is a vocationally related qualification, which is ideal for students who wish to gain a qualification, which will prepare them for employment in the Health and Social Care sector. It teaches many transferable skills so it also prepares students for any profession in which they work with people. Students will take part in discussion lessons where they explore different concepts and ideas relevant to Health and Social Care. There will also be time for independent research to collect together information and consolidate understanding. Practical tasks and videos are used to help explain the theoretical aspects of the work.

To succeed you will:

  • Have a caring personality with a desire to work in the field of Health & Social Care.

  • Be able to discuss ideas and work in groups as well as individually.

Course presentation

Assessment method

Unit % of Final Grade Type of Assessment Additional Details
1 40% Exam External Assessment
2–3 60% Internal Controlled assessment units – Health and Social Care Values & Human Lifespan Development

The future

On successful completion of the BTEC Technical Award you may progress on to a BTEC Level 3 Health and Social Care course. You may then wish to continue your education and study to become a care worker, social worker, nursery nurse, midwife, teacher or occupational therapist. Alternatively, after completing the Level 1/ 2 Award you may take on an apprenticeship or a training position.

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Studying History enables us to understand the world and our place within it. It builds skills that are crucial in today’s world: the ability to think analytically and critically, to research and evaluate sources, and to present and communicate our ideas persuasively.

Mrs K McIntyre


GCSE (9-1)


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Course outline

The History GCSE encourages learners to become curious and to develop their own opinions based on a respect for evidence. Students will build a deeper understanding of the present by engaging with and questioning the past. The course develops a wide and deep knowledge of a range of different periods. Students will engage in historical enquiry to develop as independent learners and as critical and reflective thinkers.

Students will develop an awareness of why people, events and developments have been accorded historical significance and why different interpretations have been constructed about them. Throughout the course students will study a variety of interesting historical topics: the people’s health, the Elizabethans and America, between 1920-1973.

Students are required to have a personal interest in History and be able to demonstrate strong written, oral and analytical skills.

History is great! Learning about the foundations of everything around you is interesting and without History, where would we be today?
— Jordan, Y11

Assessment method

Unit % of Final Grade Type of Assessment Additional Details
1 50% Exam ‘The People’s Health’ and ‘The Normans’ – 2 hours
3 50% Exam ‘America, 1920-1973’ and ‘The First World War’ – 2 Hours

The future

A-level History can be studied at Ryburn. History is one of the most flexible qualifications you can gain, giving access to a variety of careers and higher education (degree) courses. History is highly valued by universities and employers. History graduates experience some of the best rates of employment ranging from law, journalism and television production. History is a highly valued academic subject, as well as handy in a pub quiz!

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If you are creative and imaginative, a GCSE in Photography will enable you to express yourself but is also good preparation for the world of work.

Mrs Y Hughes


GCSE (9-1)


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Course outline

If you are creative and imaginative and have a passion for taking photographs a GCSE in Photography, will enable you to express yourself and prepare for the world of work. Photographic skills are transferable to many sectors. Alongside a range of practical arts and digital skills, the course will develop good observational, analytical, research skills including the ability to solve problems creatively and work well both independently and in groups

Students explore the processes of digital photography, digital and manual image manipulation, animation and film. They develop observation and creativity skills and experience a wide range of techniques such in camera skills, Photoshop, Graphic design and mixed media. Through careful analysis of Photography and culture, students are given a vital opportunity to express themselves in a personal and meaningful way.

The course is a project based course that introduces students to how photography works in the outside world. If students like photography (or art) of any kind or have good ideas and want to find a way of using them then this course offers a variety of ways to express those ideas.

Assessment method

Unit % of Final Grade Type of Assessment Additional Details
1 60% Internal Portfolio of work consisting of digital and camera based workshops, use of camera, light, lens and photo-shop through two projects.
2 40% Exam Externally set assignment consisting of supporting work and a 10 hour exam


The future

Photography courses can lead to real jobs and careers. Individualised teaching ensures students can tailor their work towards personal interest or career aspirations. The creative industries are some of the UK’s most successful, varied and fastest growing sectors, they provide millions of fulfilling job opportunities such as Sports and Music photography, Illustrator, Animator, Computer game designer, Graphic designer, Teacher, Web designer.  Any career requiring creativity of approach and imaginative strategies would benefit from experiences gained on a Photography course.

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Product Design

A creative and practical GCSE in Product Design will develop design thinking and problem solving, as well as skills working in wood, metals, plastics, electronics and more.

mr o jefferson


GCSE (9-1)


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Course outline

The GCSE course is excellent for pupils who have enjoyed all elements of Design and Technology at key stage 3. Pupils will be examined on their knowledge of a range of materials; Wood, Metals, Plastics, Fabrics, as well as Electronics and Structures. Pupils will also have the opportunity to explore a design challenge and create a product that they have designed. This course is great for pupils who enjoy being creative; using both sketching by hand, using the computer and practical skills in wood, metal and plastic to design and make a product. 

Students should show a general interest in the subject and a commitment to work hard on the folder work and theory as well as the manufacturing of products.

I love Product Design because it allows me to be creative and build things I otherwise wouldn’t be able to.
— Kathryn, Y11

Assessment method

Unit % of Final Grade Type of Assessment Additional Details
1 50% Exam Principles of Design & Technology – 2 hours exam
2 - 3 50% Internal Iterative Design Challenge


The future

This course can lead into A-level or Vocational (entry requirement grade 5 at GCSE) and then courses in Further and Higher Education in many areas of design including product, furniture, automotive, architecture and engineering.

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Sports (Vocational)

Follow your passion. If you love sports and fitness, studying Sports will enable you to gain knowledge, experience practical skills and a qualification.

Miss L Kendall




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Course outline

The Cambridge National in Sport Science will encourage students to think for themselves about the scientific world of sport whilst putting those theories and concepts into practice in both theoretical and practical sport situations. They will gain a full and complete understanding of these areas to enable progression at level 3

The GCSE PE option enables students to develop their personal practical ability, their knowledge and understanding of tactics, strategies and rules and to study the theoretical side of the subject.  The theory sessions cover a range of different areas including anatomy, physiology, sociology and psychology of sport.

Students need to have an interest in sport and issues surrounding sport. The course will suit students who:

  • Have good scientific knowledge

  • Are able to perform at least three sports at a good level

  • Participate in extra-curricular PE

students will be entered for either the GCSE or Vocational option depending on which better suits them.

Assessment method

Unit % of Final Grade Type of Assessment Additional Details
1–2 60% Exam Two written examinations
3–4 40% Internal Controlled assessment – two pieces assessed in school. Marks are given for 3 practical activities. Students must be assessed in at least 1 team and 1 individual activity
OCR Sport Nationals
Unit % of Final Grade Type of Assessment Additional Details
1 - Internal R180: Reducing the risk of sports injuries and dealing with common medical conditions (written paper exam)
2 - External R181: Applying the principles of training: fitness and how it affects skill performance
3 - External R183: Nutrition and sports performance

The future

Physical Education or Sport can be taken at A-level or as a vocational course. It is also a valuable qualification and provides a pathway into higher and further education for a number of different subject areas.

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Further Maths & Statistics

This option includes two separate qualifications, GCSE Statistics and a Level 2 qualification in Further Maths. This pathway is ideal for students who have a passion for Maths and would enjoy a further challenge.



GCSE (9-1)



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Course outline

Statistics: Statistics is the science of collecting and analysing numerical data, and learning from it.

Statistics incorporates numerous examples of real-life data and contexts, which build skills that students will use in other subjects, such as Science and Geography. Students will study topics covered in Mathematics GCSE but will have the opportunity to extend these and to apply them in realistic scenarios. Based on the principles of the statistical enquiry cycle, students gain a rounded understanding of how to interpret and apply data to a number of scenarios, both across subjects and in the real world.

Further Maths: This qualification fills the gap for high achieving students by assessing their higher order mathematical skills, particularly in algebraic reasoning, in greater depth, thus preparing them fully to maximise their potential in further studies at Level 3. It offers the opportunity for stretch and challenge that builds on the Key Stage 4 curriculum. It also gives an introduction to calculus and matrices and develops further skills in trigonometry, functions and graphs. 

Students will be selected for this option based on discussion between the student, parent and teacher.  However the alternative option of Statistics alone is open to all students.

Assessment method

Type of Assessment Additional Details
External Exam Statistics: Edexcel - 2 x 1 hour 30 minute exams
External Exam Further Maths: AQA, - 2 x 1 hour 45 minute exams

The future

This course is good preparation for study of Maths and other ‘STEM’ subjects at A-level. You can study Statistics or Maths at degree level and apply it as a career. Because it deals with data, the skills are very useful in countless real life jobs and situations, including marketing and retail, economics, business analysis and research.

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