
Dance (Vocational)

Dance at Ryburn is one of our strengths. Our BTEC vocational course in Dance is an enjoyable and rewarding course for anyone with a passion for the subject.

Mrs S Attah


Level 2 TECH AWARD in Performing Arts - Dance Pathway


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Course outline

The course is made up of 3 components with a mix of both theory and practical work, enabling the dancer to develop their technique, knowledge and understanding of Dance in the performing arts industry. Students study a variety of dance styles and explore set works as well as creating performances for different events. Staff have industry links and experience and, where possible, guest teachers deliver master-classes to enhance the student experience. Our dancers form a close knit and inclusive team, supporting each other to build skill, technique and confidence. 

A love of dance and a willingness to try new styles and improve performance skills is required for this course.

I love my dance lessons; it is such a special environment when you walk into the dance studio. You are made to feel really welcome, all the group gets on really well and we work hard in every lesson. I have learnt so many different dance styles and my dance technique and confidence have really developed.
— Poppy, Y11

Watch our video for a flavour of what it’s like being a Dancer at Ryburn.

Assessment method

Unit % of Final Grade Type of Assessment Additional Details
Component 1 30% Internal Exploring Performing Arts
Component 2 30% Internal Developing Skills and Techniques
Component 3 40% External Performing to a Brief


The future

After completing a BTEC Level 2 Tech Award, learners can go on to study RSL Level 3 Diploma in Creative and Performing Arts (Dance), A-level Dance or BTEC Courses. They may also decide to audition for full time dance schools/courses. Dance is not just for people who want to become dancers! It develops fantastic transferable skills including leadership, creativity, planning, resilience, teamwork and confidence.

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Taking a GCSE in Drama is perfect for those with a passion for performing. It also develops many key stills for life including confidence and self-expression.

Mr P Butterfield


GCSE (9-1)


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Course outline

Students work to develop an understanding of dramatic form and styles through practical exploration of influential practitioners, including Stanislavsky and Brecht. They develop their knowledge of dramatic skills including imagination, performance techniques, script analysis and creative solutions to enable students to complete three components; devising a highly sophisticated original piece of drama, performing a section of a published script in small groups and using their knowledge and understanding of dramatic form in relation to a set text and a live theatre performance. 

A willingness to experiment in practical performance through class workshops is required for this course. Motivation, commitment and being open to new ideas are essential. This drama course teaches students that success comes to those who are highly committed to the task at hand and are willing to work collaboratively with others.

Watch our advert #Daretobedifferent

Please note: Drama cannot be studied alongside dance

Assessment method

Unit % of Final Grade Type of Assessment Additional Details
1 40% Internal Devised performance – externally moderated – performance of 5 – 20 minutes, report of approximately 1500 words
2 20% Exam Text in performance, script based work – students work in designated groups to produce and perform a well-known play
3 40% Exam Exam on set text, evaluation of performance from a text

The future

The Drama GCSE is excellent preparation for A-level Performing Arts where students take a lead selective from the choice of Drama, Music and Dance. Drama gives you the creative discipline for all occupations and has a wide range of benefits that include self-expression, development of imagination, and fluency of speech, self-knowledge, self-discipline and self-confidence. Learning how to co-operate in groups, problem solving on social and moral dilemmas and helping students prepare for real life.

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Film Studies

Follow your passions! A GCSE in Film Studies will enable you to gain many transferable skills, knowledge and explore creativity.

MR M HIbbert


GCSE (9-1)


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Course outline

Film is an important part of many people’s lives. Those who choose to study it characteristically bring with them a huge enthusiasm and excitement for film which constantly motivates them in their studies. They experience a powerful medium which inspires a range of responses from the emotional to the reflective as they are drawn into characters, their narratives and the issues films raise. The root of that power is the immersive audio-visual experience film offers – one which can exploit striking cinematography, composition and locations as well as powerful music and sound. 

The WJEC Eduqas specification in GCSE Film Studies aims to develop knowledge and understanding of:

  • the ways in which meanings and responses are generated through film

  • a contrasting, culturally diverse range of films from different national contexts

  • film as an aesthetic medium 

  • how films reflect the social, cultural and political contexts in which they are made

  • the relationship between film and film technology over time

The course suits those with an interest in and enjoyment of film and a degree of creativity in order to explore the creative possibilities of film and film products.. You’ll develop the ability to be critical and investigative in your approach to film and an analytical approach that should seek to discover patterns of similarity and difference, ways in which films represent people, ways in which film technologies shape film productions across a range of films. 

Assessment method

Unit % of Final Grade Type of Assessment Additional Details
1 - 2 70% Exam Exploring Films
3 30% Internal Controlled Assessment


The future

An introduction to Film Studies at this level opens up options both academic and vocational. Academically it is an ideal grounding for both A-level Film Studies and other Media based courses. Vocationally students will find out about many areas of employment within this nationally important area of the economy. It could be the ‘jumping off point’ for any of the thousands of technical careers in this area or the inspiration to start building a student’s own portfolio and film making career.

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Music (Vocational)

Follow your passions. Spend time doing what you love whilst gaining practical and transferable skills through a vocational qualification in Music.



Edexcel Level 1/2 Technical Award


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Course outline

The BTEC Technical Award in Music Practice is a practical course which enables students to develop a range of different musical skills and techniques as well as studying different genres of music and how music has developed.

Students will have many opportunities to create and perform music on their chosen instrument and collaborate with other musicians. You will take part in band workshops to help you understand how to play in an ensemble and develop your skills on your instrument. You will also develop your music technology skills, learning about music production and creating your own remixes of existing songs in styles of your choosing. You will use Bandlab or FL studio as the basis of lots of your practical work and compositions.

You will follow 3 components over the two-year course. In Component 1 you will study 5 different genres of music and then create 3 performances, compositions or remixes in a style of your choice in repones to a theme released by the exam board. In component 2 you will undertake a period of skills development on your chosen instrument, and then you will create a composition in response to a theme released by the exam board. Component 3 is externally assessed and competed in controlled conditions; in this component you will remix an existing song into a new genre. The exam board will provide you with a list of songs and genres.

Students must be able to play an instrument or sing to excel in this course.

Assessment method

Unit % of Final Grade Type of Assessment Additional Details
1 40% Exam External Assessment
2-3 60% Internal Students create a portfolio of evidence linked to various scenarios and tasks

The future

To progress on to BTEC Level 3 in Music Performance, you would need a Merit at BTEC Music. The course also opens opportunities for employment within the music and entertainment industry in junior roles; venues/ box offices, concert support, administrative roles, radio and television.

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If you are creative and imaginative, a GCSE in Photography will enable you to express yourself but is also good preparation for the world of work.

Mrs Y Hughes


GCSE (9-1)


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Course outline

If you are creative and imaginative and have a passion for taking photographs a GCSE in Photography, will enable you to express yourself and prepare for the world of work. Photographic skills are transferable to many sectors. Alongside a range of practical arts and digital skills, the course will develop good observational, analytical, research skills including the ability to solve problems creatively and work well both independently and in groups

Students explore the processes of digital photography, digital and manual image manipulation, animation and film. They develop observation and creativity skills and experience a wide range of techniques such in camera skills, Photoshop, Graphic design and mixed media. Through careful analysis of Photography and culture, students are given a vital opportunity to express themselves in a personal and meaningful way.

The course is a project based course that introduces students to how photography works in the outside world. If students like photography (or art) of any kind or have good ideas and want to find a way of using them then this course offers a variety of ways to express those ideas.

Assessment method

Unit % of Final Grade Type of Assessment Additional Details
1 60% Internal Portfolio of work consisting of digital and camera based workshops, use of camera, light, lens and photo-shop through two projects.
2 40% Exam Externally set assignment consisting of supporting work and a 10 hour exam


The future

Photography courses can lead to real jobs and careers. Individualised teaching ensures students can tailor their work towards personal interest or career aspirations. The creative industries are some of the UK’s most successful, varied and fastest growing sectors, they provide millions of fulfilling job opportunities such as Sports and Music photography, Illustrator, Animator, Computer game designer, Graphic designer, Teacher, Web designer.  Any career requiring creativity of approach and imaginative strategies would benefit from experiences gained on a Photography course.

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