Religious Studies

GCSE Religious Studies will teach you the skills and understanding needed to work with people of all faiths and cultures.

Mrs J Knowles


GCSE (9-1)


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Course outline

In this course students will be challenged with questions about belief, values, meaning, purpose and truth.  Students will also gain an appreciation of how religion, philosophy and ethics form the basis of our culture.  Students will be able to develop their own attitudes towards religious issues and analytical and critical thinking skills, which will help them prepare for further study.

To be successful you need to:

  • Be able to ask questions and give opinions.

  • Be interested in others and in human beliefs and behaviours. 

  • Express your own beliefs whilst taking into account the beliefs of others.

I enjoy learning about the different ways religious believers practice their faith and debating questions like ‘War can never be fair’.
— Katie, Y10

Assessment method

Unit % of Final Grade Type of Assessment Additional Details
1 50% Exam Study of religions – the beliefs, teachings and practices of Christianity and Islam – 1 hour 45 minutes
2 50% Exam Religious, philosophical and ethical themes – 1 hour 45 minutes


The future

A GCSE in Religious Studies is a stepping stone to a wide range of future opportunities.  The skills you develop will support you in further studies and employment.  A good grade at GCSE will help you progress to an A-level in Religious Studies.

Furthermore, as you enter the world of work, you will be expected to work alongside people with different beliefs than your own. Religious Studies will teach the skills and understanding needed to work with people of all faiths and cultures. These skills are vitally important in all careers especially professions such as the police, retail, teaching, the law, the caring professions and the armed forces, in fact any profession that brings you into contact with other people.

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Product Design

A creative and practical GCSE in Product Design will develop design thinking and problem solving, as well as skills working in wood, metals, plastics, electronics and more.

mr o jefferson


GCSE (9-1)


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Course outline

The GCSE course is excellent for pupils who have enjoyed all elements of Design and Technology at key stage 3. Pupils will be examined on their knowledge of a range of materials; Wood, Metals, Plastics, Fabrics, as well as Electronics and Structures. Pupils will also have the opportunity to explore a design challenge and create a product that they have designed. This course is great for pupils who enjoy being creative; using both sketching by hand, using the computer and practical skills in wood, metal and plastic to design and make a product. 

Students should show a general interest in the subject and a commitment to work hard on the folder work and theory as well as the manufacturing of products.

I love Product Design because it allows me to be creative and build things I otherwise wouldn’t be able to.
— Kathryn, Y11

Assessment method

Unit % of Final Grade Type of Assessment Additional Details
1 50% Exam Principles of Design & Technology – 2 hours exam
2 - 3 50% Internal Iterative Design Challenge


The future

This course can lead into A-level or Vocational (entry requirement grade 5 at GCSE) and then courses in Further and Higher Education in many areas of design including product, furniture, automotive, architecture and engineering.

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Sports (Vocational)

Follow your passion. If you love sports and fitness, studying Sports will enable you to gain knowledge, experience practical skills and a qualification.

Ms L Newey




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Course outline

The Cambridge National in Sport Science will encourage students to think for themselves about the scientific world of sport whilst putting those theories and concepts into practice in both theoretical and practical sport situations. They will gain a full and complete understanding of these areas to enable progression at level 3

The GCSE PE option enables students to develop their personal practical ability, their knowledge and understanding of tactics, strategies and rules and to study the theoretical side of the subject.  The theory sessions cover a range of different areas including anatomy, physiology, sociology and psychology of sport.

Students need to have an interest in sport and issues surrounding sport. The course will suit students who:

  • Have good scientific knowledge

  • Are able to perform at least three sports at a good level

  • Participate in extra-curricular PE

students will be entered for either the GCSE or Vocational option depending on which better suits them.

Assessment method

Unit % of Final Grade Type of Assessment Additional Details
1–2 60% Exam Two written examinations
3–4 40% Internal Controlled assessment – two pieces assessed in school. Marks are given for 3 practical activities. Students must be assessed in at least 1 team and 1 individual activity
OCR Sport Nationals
Unit % of Final Grade Type of Assessment Additional Details
1 - Internal R180: Reducing the risk of sports injuries and dealing with common medical conditions (written paper exam)
2 - External R181: Applying the principles of training: fitness and how it affects skill performance
3 - External R183: Nutrition and sports performance

The future

Physical Education or Sport can be taken at A-level or as a vocational course. It is also a valuable qualification and provides a pathway into higher and further education for a number of different subject areas.

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Studying Statistics enables you to put Mathematical learning into real life scenarios. Understanding how to interpret and apply data will be a key skill throughout your life.



GCSE (9-1)


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Course outline

Statistics is the science of collecting and analysing numerical data, and learning from it.

Statistics incorporates numerous examples of real-life data and contexts, which build skills that students will use in other subjects, such as Science and Geography. Students will study topics covered in Mathematics GCSE but will have the opportunity to extend these and to apply them in realistic scenarios. Based on the principles of the statistical enquiry cycle, students gain a rounded understanding of how to interpret and apply data to a number of scenarios, both across subjects and in the real world.

Students will gain an additional Mathematics qualification which has a very practical focus and will also support in other subjects.

Assessment method

Unit % of Final Grade Type of Assessment Additional Details
1-2 External Exam 2 x 1 hour 30 minute exams – Foundation / Higher Tier entry

The future

This course is good preparation for study of Maths and other ‘STEM’ subjects at A-level. You can study Statistics at degree level and apply it as a career. Because it deals with data, the skills are very useful in countless real life jobs and situations, including marketing and retail, economics, business analysis and research. Everyone can benefit from a solid understanding of statistics.

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Travel & Tourism (Vocational)

Do you dream of adventure? Studying Travel and Tourism gives you chance to learn sector-specific knowledge in a practical, applied context.

Mr W Beaumont

edexcel / pearson

BTEC Level 2 Tech Award in Travel and Tourism


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Course outline

The BTEC Tech award in Travel and Tourism is for students who want to acquire knowledge and technical skills through vocational contexts by exploring the aims of different travel and tourism organisations, the features of tourist destinations, how organisations meet customer requirements, and the influences on global travel and tourism.

Students gain the opportunity to develop sector-specific knowledge and skills in a practical learning environment. You will develop:

  • knowledge that underpins the effective use of skills, processes and attitudes in the sector such as the appeal of different tourist destinations to different types of customer, and the factors that influence travel and tourism

  • skills such as researching different travel and tourism organisations, the features of tourist destinations, and the products and services available to meet the needs of different customers

  • attitudes that are considered to be very important in the travel and tourism sector, including how to develop tourism while respecting the environment and local communities.

Assessment method

Unit % of final grade Type of Assessment Additional details
Component 1 30% Internal Travel and Tourism Organisations and Destinations
Component 2 30% Internal Customer Needs in Travel and Tourism
Component 3 40% External Influences on Global Travel and Tourism


The future

Students might consider progression to A Levels as preparation for entry to higher education in a range of subjects, or study of a vocational qualification at Level 3, such as a BTEC National in Travel and Tourism, which prepares learners to enter employment or apprenticeships, or to move on to higher education by studying a degree in the tourism sector. The tourism sector supports many jobs both locally and internationally, so if you dream of travel, it might be the course for you.

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iGen & iDays

iGen and iDays are an opportunity to learn about the world and your place in it. It’s about developing as a well-rounded person with the skills and confidence for the road ahead.

Mrs S AttAh / MS L ROBINSON (Course Leader)

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Course outline

The Art of Being Normal by Lisa Williamson is one of the iGen books studied in Year 10

The Art of Being Normal by Lisa Williamson is one of the iGen books studied in Year 10

iGen continues to be a timetabled subject throughout your time at Ryburn, making use of one tutor-time session per week. Through exploring the contemporary novels including ‘The Art of Being Normal’ by Lisa Williamson and ‘An Act of Love’ by Alan Gibbons students cover the PSHCE curriculum by focusing on a range of issues including personal skills and qualities; emotional health and well-being; gender issues and extremism.

iDays are whole school drop down days which aim to build on the PSHCE curriculum. As well as covering the key PSHCE themes we also aim to prepare students for the world of work, providing them with the knowledge, understanding, creativity and confidence to be wealth creators in their future lives.

This is a non-Assessed subject


The future

iGen and iDays are all about preparing you for the future! It’s about ensuring you have the skills and knowledge to feel confident, whatever life throws at you. It’s about becoming someone who can develop healthy relationships with others and yourself and have empathy and understanding. Being able to keep yourself healthy and have the practical skills to live a happy life.

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Philosophy & Ethics

Studying Philosophy and Ethics enables young people to understand and articulate their own views on the world and religion. It is a subject for all students whatever their own family background and personal beliefs and practices.

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Course outline

All students in Years 10 to 11 will study Philosophy and Ethics in one hour per fortnight. The following topics will be studied during the course:

  • Religion and life and death: views on abortion and euthanasia.

  • Is Britain a Christian country?

  • Issues with Crime and punishment, including the death penalty.

  • Does religion cause or solve conflict?

Students will have the opportunity to discuss a variety of responses and beliefs. They will explore further questions and consider their own reactions to the issues covered. It will stimulate their understanding of themselves and their environment.

This is a non-Assessed course

The future

This is an essential area of study to prepare students for life in a world where controversy over religious and non-religious views is pervasive and where many people lack the knowledge to make their own informed decisions. Understanding why people think and behave differently and builds a more cohesive society.

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