We are continuing to provide home learning materials for any students who are quarantined or self isolating, or in the event that a ‘bubble’ of students are at home.


This page has links and information on how to access all the home learning materials you need if you are at home. You will be following very closely the work which you would be doing in the classroom, so it’s important to try your best to complete the work set so that you don’t miss out on any education.

Mr Malik has recorded this video tutorial for students, explaining exactly how the home learning provison works, and how to find and submit the work set for you.

What work should I be doing at home?

All of our departments have set work and produced resources specifically for each year group which closely mirror the lessons for students in school. Click on the buttons below to access the work set for your year group.

For Ryburn Sixth See below

Whilst working at home, you should aim to follow your school timetable.

The work set for each year group is organised into numbered lessons which correspond to your timetable. We’ll explain to students in school how lessons are numbered, but here’s the instructions if you need to do it at home.

How to number your timetable

Working one subject at a time, number your lessons consecutively, going through the days across your full two week timetable, from Monday A week to Friday B week. So for instance, if you have a Geography lessons on Tuesdays and Wednesdays, these would be on A week ‘Geography 1’ and ‘Geography 2’, and on B week ‘Geography 3’ and ‘Geography 4’.

See the illustration below for an example.


How to join your google classroom

Each class in each subject has its own Google Classroom. You may have been sent a link by your teacher. If not, you can find links to each one by clicking the button below, selecting the subject along the top and finding your correct class code in the list. Your timetable include the class code for each class. Careful to click the right one! If you’re not sure which is yours, email your teacher or ask a classmate.

Ryburn Sixth

In Key Stage 5, class teachers will be in touch with their students directly about what work you should be doing at home, and how to access your live lessons. If you have any questions, you should email your teacher directly.

The buttons below contain further and supporting work for each subject.

Who should be learning at home?

Remember, your health and recovery is important. If you are unwell, you should be marked absent from school, and should not tackle school work if you are not well enough to do so. Get some rest!

However, currently, some students who feel well may be required to be at home for a time due to covid-19 rules, such as individuals or families in quarantine, self isolating or awaiting test results. It is important that you do your best to complete the home learning set so that you can keep up. The rules for who is required to stay at home may change. Please follow guidance from school and Government.

What if my ‘bubble’ closes?

As a school, we will follow Public Health England advice, and in the event of cases of coronavirus in members of our school, we may need to close a ‘bubble’ for a period of time. In this event, subject teachers will be in touch directly with their classes with instructions and support.

Photo: Seren Boyd, Y11

Photo: Seren Boyd, Y11

Using Google Classroom and Office at home

Following feedback during the school closure, we have reduced the number of different platforms you need to access home learning. You’ll now find our home learning all within Google Classroom. Login with firstname.surname@rvhschool.co.uk plus your google password. If you need to reset your password, you can now do this yourself.

What if I’m stuck?

Remember ‘3B4Me’ - try brain, book, buddy to figure it out. If you’re still unsure about what to do please email your class teacher and/or the Head of Department for the relevant subject. Staff emails take the format initial.surname@rvhschool.co.uk - eg j.bloggs@rvhschool.co.uk

Here's a few key ones:

I need Tech help!

We have produced these guides to help you access some of the online learning resources available. Try these instructions first, and if you are still having trouble email helpdesk@rvhschool.co.uk.

Quick Log On Guides

Email helpdesk@rvhschool.co.uk with any general ICT queries and we will respond as soon as possible, but bear with us please as it’s very busy.

Accelerated Reader for Year 7 and 8

Don’t forget that you can still access Accelerated Reader at home to quiz the books that you’re reading.

  • Your username :  lower case first name.UPPER CASE SURNAME - Eg John.SMITH

  • Password for most students: ABC

If you have any problems with Accelerated Reader please email Mrs Burton a.burton@rvhschool.co.uk.

I’m Done ALready!

Need more things to pass the time? Explore the page linked below for lots more fun and educational things to do.

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