STUDENT code of conduct for remote learning

  • I will not record or take photos of my classmates or teachers during a face-to-face session.

  • I will only take part in ‘live’ streaming if an adult knows that I am doing it.

  • I will not reveal my passwords to anyone.

  • I will be responsible for my behaviour and actions when using technology (Microsoft Teams and Other interactive applications), this includes the resources I access and the language I use.

  • I will make sure that all my communication with students, teachers or others using technology is responsible and sensible.

  • I will not deliberately browse, download, upload or forward material that could be considered offensive or illegal. If I accidentally come across any such material I will report it immediately to my teacher or my parent.

  • I will not share resources or videos created by my teachers with anyone who is not a student or member of staff at Ryburn Valley High School

  • I will not share any school content on social media platforms

  • I understand that when using Microsoft Teams and other applications provided by the school that my use can be monitored and logged and can be made available to my teachers.

  • If live lessons are used, I understand that this will be recorded by the teacher only in order for this to be forwarded to any pupil who missed the live lesson.

  • I will continue to follow the rules regarding my use of technology as outlined in the school’s ICT Acceptable User Agreement.

complete the form to show your agreement to these rules

Student agreement

Parent / Carer agreement

Behaviour in live lessons

When participating in an audio or video conference on Microsoft Teams, remember that this is an extension of the classroom and you should conduct yourself as you would when on your best behaviour in a classroom.

This includes:

  • Be on time for your interactive session

  • All cameras must be switched off unless directed by your classroom teacher

  • Remain attentive during sessions

  • Interact patiently and respectfully with your teachers and peers

  • Find a place that is quiet, safe, public and free from distractions. Please avoid using a bedroom for live lessons.  

  • You MUST NOT record each other’s online interactions. If the lesson is to be recorded, this will be done by the teacher.

  • Make sure you end the session as soon as the teacher indicates to do so and do not stay in the session after the teacher has left.


General Rules and Guidelines

  • It is strongly recommended that you follow the school timetable as far as possible.

  • Please complete tasks as they are set for each lesson. Teachers will aim to be available at the times when they would normally be teaching you in order to answer questions. This will be either through Teams or email.

  • As soon as you have completed each task, please indicate this to your teacher. Please submit all pieces of work on time.

  • Failure to complete your work will result in your form tutor and parents being informed.