How do you plan to travel to school?

In accordance with the government’s guidelines, keeping everyone safe upon our return to school in September means managing the movement of students to and from school. To do so, we are asking all parents and carers to let us know how their son or daughter will normally be travelling to and from school in September.

Please fill in the form below by 24 July, completing a separate form for each student if you have more than one at Ryburn. If you change your plans afterwards, please let us know.

Return to school transport survey

Information for school bus users

The school bus services are run and administered by WY Metro, not by our school. You can find out more here. The deadline to apply for passes for this September has been extended until 31 July 2020. If you wish to travel via a school bus, you must apply for a pass. Services are limited and are run according to capacity and demand.