Keeping our students, staff and families safe and healthy is our absolute priority. We all share this responsibility and take it very seriously.
This agreement sets out what our school staff, students, parents and carers agree to do to help keep each other safe, during phase one of our school reopening.
To help my child at school, I know and understand that:
If my child, or anyone in my household, shows symptoms of COVID-19, I will not send them to school. We will self-isolate for 14 days as a family. I will get them tested and I will let the school know the result as soon as possible via telephone or email
If my child shows symptoms of COVID-19 at school, I will collect my child from school immediately. I will get them tested and I will let the school know as soon as possible of the outcome via telephone
On my commute, and when dropping my child off and picking them up, I will adhere to the 2 metre social distancing rules
When dropping off and picking up, I will strictly stick to the school timings for my child
My child will not bring any items into school with them or take items home from school except a breaktime snack, water bottle and face mask (face masks are optional)
If I supply my child with a face mask I understand that staff will not be responsible for ensuring that my child wears this throughout the day
I will not be allowed into the school without a pre- arranged appointment – make appointments via telephone or email
I need to support all staff in their efforts to create an ‘as safe as possible’ environment during this time
I will read all letters / messages / emails that are sent home
I will inform the school of any changes to parents/carer and emergency contacts details
I will follow social distancing rules at all times whilst on school grounds
If my child is deemed unsafe, he/she will be sent home and cannot return to school until they can be safe.
Our school will do our best to:
Provide an environment which is safe and has been risk assessed in response to the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak
Adhere to the social distancing rules as set out by the government as much as we reasonably and practically can
Adhere to protective measures and hygiene controls to reduce the risk of infection
Provide a curriculum that meets the needs of your child’s well-being, mental health and academic needs
Contact parents/carers if your child displays symptoms of COVID-19
Inform you if staff or children in your child’s ‘bubble’ test positive for COVID-19 as this will mean you will all need to self-isolate for at least 14 days
Continue our clear and consistent approach to rewards and sanctions for children as set out in the Behaviour Policy as well the expectations outlined in this agreement
Communicate with you through notices, newsletters, text, email and the school website.
I will do my best to:
Follow the directions of all staff first time, every time
Follow the bubble rules that keep me safe
Keep to the 2 metre social distance rule whilst on route to school, in school, and on my journey home
Sterilise my hands as soon as I go into school
Tell an adult if I feel unwell
Not bring things into school from home, or take things home from school
Only use the equipment in my pack. Not mix with any other children in the school outside of my bubble
Only enter and exit the school building through the designated route
Follow the ‘catch it-bin it-kill it’ rules coughing and sneezing into my elbow or a tissue
Regularly sterilise my hands or wash them using soap and running water for 20 seconds and dry thoroughly
Follow the rules at all times to maintain the safety of myself and others
Follow these expectations and know that if I don’t, I will be sent home and will not be able to come back into school until the Headteacher agrees that I can be safe.